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RE: One Week, Without Sugar

in Reflections β€’ last year

Oh no no... hahahaha... no sugar? And these sweets you have in your post? aren't you tempted by a biscuit? πŸ˜‚
Well... I will be attentive to your thoughts at the end of your journey.

I need at least three spoonfuls of sugar a day. I recently bought 10 litres of ice cream and it lasted me less than a week. This I confess was excessive. 😡

Erikah, good luck with this challenge. πŸ™Œ

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Trust me, I wasn't tempted at all, while posting these photos and as time passes, I'm thinking of eating sweets less and less.

I need at least three spoonfuls of sugar a day.

😲 That's quit a lot!

I recently bought 10 litres of ice cream and it lasted me less than a week. This I confess was excessive. 😡

πŸ˜²πŸ˜²πŸ€¦β€β™€πŸ€¦β€β™€ Are you working on killing yourself? 😁

Thank you @nanixxx and I hope you won't eat 10L ice cream in one week again soon :)

🀣 killing me softly like Roberta Flack πŸ˜‚...

Exactly! 😁

Β last yearΒ (edited)

Honestly, these are excesses that I rarely allow myself (ice cream), but normally I only use the sugar in my coffee during the day. And it's very little, just three tiny teaspoons (to sweeten four cups) Erikah. That's not so much. hahaha... I was just exaggerating to make you laugh a bit.