@erikah sir
Assalamu Alaikum. good morning
I made a mistake in my ignorance. I google translate your post and use your photography when posting. I had no idea about this and did not know that it was such a big crime.. But later I realized my mistake.
It is natural to make mistakes as human beings. But after you downvoted my post yesterday evening I went to hivewatcher and appealed.. But from there I was told to talk to you.
I hope you will forgive me for the first time and refrain from giving me downloads in the future. Because we kids make mistakes, it's normal and it's nice if you forgive..
I would really appreciate it if you could give some guidance on this matter and remove my downvote. Please help me. I am deeply ashamed and apologetic for this off work.
I sincerely apologize for my mistake. And I will be eternally grateful if you refrain from downvoting me. And now I'm constantly sharing my original writing and original photography.. In the future I will be careful about this and never start copying and photographing anyone's writings.
Just this request please look at me with forgiveness.