Maybe a decline in population (native population) is good
Well, not native or otherwise, just an overall decline is good, if slow and steady enough. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries on the planet. The entire landscape got ravaged for wood to the point that forests are practically extinct, and wildlife is on apocalyptic decline due to agriculture and real estate. Growing the human population indefinitely at a rate of a million/year (a new city per year requires being built, then) can't possibly be a good thing... It must be appreciated that for countries like ours and say the Netherlands, there is almost no land whatsoever that isn't either farmland or housing.
The USA, with almost infinite land and resources, is a very different animal than Europe (and really, the rest of the world), and generally I can see how immigration to the USA can, uniquely, be a net benefit. You guys can literally double your population and the landscape will hardly flinch.
For the UK, we've seen an unprecedented decline in quality of life in every single aspect while immigration has skyrocketed. It may not be the entire cause, but it's certainly not the solution, and we're only adding problems to a country that is 15x as densely populated as the US, and 50% more than Japan.
For comparison, it would be like getting the population density of New Jersey, and applying that across the whole of the USA. Picture that!
All of that aside--it seems you are happy, @mobbs
Of course! We make our own happiness =D But I do have a love for my homeland despite the mess it's in, and I'm concerned for it...