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RE: What Makes People Be Like This?

in Reflections4 months ago

The world is filled with zillions of people which basically means zillions of different characters, attitude and behaviours. If they tend to behave that way maybe its their personality however the point is to understand that people are different. I love the fact you always be yourself when you encounter such scenario.


The question is, do you want these people in your life? Do you want to be a tool in their hands they use to obtain happiness while draining your energy? I don't :)

First of all a person dont even need to rethink the idea of having such ppl in their life. Who would want something that will cause mental health.

Who would want something that will cause mental health.

Me, as mental health is important. But people like him are harming my mental health.

Then you ignore and finished whatever deal you have with him then cut him off, no time stressing your brain that will contradict your sanity, that is what I'll do peace of mind is everything