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RE: Where did we go wrong?

in Reflections5 months ago

In Japan, we call those types of parents "monster parents". It's an interesting thing... because it seems to be happening all over the developed world. What is similar enough in all developed country cultures to have led to a percentage of parents acting this way? Or maybe some percentage of parents have always been this way, but society used to tell them "get over it" and moved on, whereas today we have handed them more power.

Hmm... I don't know. It is a bad trend. I wonder what "family time" is for the families that said that. If they are all playing board games and having group discussions all night, well, good for them I guess. That would be some amazing family time. Sadly what I think is more likely is that the parents want to enjoy their screens without the kids distracting them with requests for help on their homework. I know the stereotype is that the Baby Boomers were the most selfish generation and that they screwed the Western world with their greediness, but... I think Gen X and the Millennials are just as selfish. Parents like the ones you are speaking of being prime examples.


Yeah, that is a good point. I think we are all equally selfish, but it ends up being two different categories. Perhaps the boomers were more selfish with their money, but it's likely because they had to be given their parents went through wars and depressions. Today it seems they are more selfish with their time, which when applied properly isn't a bad thing, but when it comes to your kids, selfless should be the rule rather than the exception!