Yeah. It looks like Germany is selling off Billions worth of stolen Bitcoin, but people like Blackrock 🇺🇸 are just buying it all up. I try to buy a little on these big dips. I’d like to have some for my kids and grand kids. Crypto is a fun hobby, especially blogging here on Hive …. But I would hate to rely on it for actual income. Have a great weekend.
Hey there, I read about that and other crypto nutbaggery and am not seems to bring out the worst in people I guess.
Having said that, I like your plan for the kids and theirs when they come along and if a little free magic internet money assists in that plan then happy days. What I don't understand is when people see it as money they can waste when in truth it's such a good opportunity to use in ways that can/may enhance one's future at the same time as improving the present. It's about balance I guess.
Fun hobby? Yeah I'll agree with's when it becomes a job when it may lose its appeal and when losses begin to take a toll on a person relying on it.
Thanks for your comment - with my choice of title I wasn't sure if people would avoid my post altogether. Lol.
Have a good weekend.