I find the subject of immigration interesting. Juxtapose this with the issue of the elderly increasingly being a burden on the young. The elderly are collecting pensions, using services, and the young have to pay. Though the elderly paid into those systems when they worked, lifespans have increased and they have more than use up their contributions. What to do? The birthrate in the UK and other developed countries is below replacement rate. The only answer is to bring in new workers, young workers, people who can support the system. Or, we can chuck the old out as some traditional cultures are said to have done. But then, we forget, the young will one day be old (if they are lucky) and maybe they don't want to end up like that.
New blood--immigration--is the answer. Maybe we can use intelligent policy to police immigration. Your wife, for example, is educated. She is highly employable. She has resources. She would be a plus. Controlling immigration--not limiting it--is the answer. Unless xenophobia is the true motivation behind resistance to immigration. The UK, the US, Japan, etc. can choose to remain insular, close the world out. Or these countries can employ intelligent immigration policies that are a benefit to the economy.