It seems that lately — when I write responses to my counseling clients — it might occasionally be important and useful to share the discourse for them to a wider audience.
For this particular client, they were coming to terms with a world they believed would have changed by now in a big and dramatic way; either through some massive wave of wake-up juice for the collective or perhaps a giant kaboom of consciousness and Peace on Earth.
Alas, that particular version of the world has not become part of our experienced reality. At least not yet.
And so, I shared this sentiment:
"I truly do encourage you (and everyone) to make certain that they are living the best version of their lives as possible in the current world!
What is slated to happen — by the prophets and seers of this age and time of old — is none of our business until it happens.
We are responsible for making conscious and good choices for the paradigm we are now IN, not the world as others claim it WILL be when "the shift" occurs. I personally do not subscribe to a massive overhaul in a short period of time because that is not how humanity operates, although I do believe that disclosure is upon us and we will join the "Universal Federation" soon.
What that looks like for any of us is yet to be seen.
We are in a war "out there" that is unprecedented, and difficult. We are fighting for our authentic freedom. Slavery isn't a common thing in the planetary alliances, but it does exist and we are constantly seeking new worlds to free. Yeshua did not come here to deliver us from eternal sin, he came here to show us that we have to fight for our peace within our hearts daily.
Free the mind. Heal the soul.
It's not going to be a party; he never said it would be."
As Ram Dass fanously said "Be here now!"
When we spend too much time fretting and worrying about "the world," and the things we envisioned could happen we expose ourselves to the risk of missing out on the good things that are actually happening, right now!
I'll be teaching an online workshop in June about what remembering our past lives actually entails, and why we don't recall them the same way we might remember watching a movie or a story. There are good reasons we cannot just pull those memories up like an old photo album, especially when we consider that time isn't necessarily linear.
To be honest, I remember my "future" lives more often than my past lives. It was those "memories" that compelled me to research reincarnation, or what is also referred to as "The Phoenix Fire Mystery".
I encourage everyone to sign up for the virtual workshop, it's Solstice Weekend, and even if you're not available to attend live, you can access the recording anytime, for a lifetime.
Thanks for visiting, and Bright Blessings to all!
— Rev. Sarah
(An abbreviated version of this post also appeared on our Facebook page)
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(Graphic is our own)
The White Light Express Mission Statement:
Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.
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