I'm still in the top ten, and only down one place from the past two weeks, excellent! Humungous congratulations to my fellow top ten: @theringmaster, @mnurhiver, @borniet, @rafzat, @iaiman, @zakludick, @repayme4568, @gargi, and @untilwelearn! Bravo on your next-level engagement, y'all!
Endless oceans of thanks to you, @melinda010100, for keeping this glorious initiative going, for the rewards, and for everything that you do and contribute! You're amazingballs!
Thank you also to the lucky-number sponsors: @phoenixwren and @untilwelearn! Your kindness and generosity are so deeply appreciated!
My last thank you goes to the DUO team, @thebighigg, @bitcoinman, and @bulliontools, for your fantastic DUO donations (thank you so much for mine!)!
Now on to a new week of incredible engagement on our exceptionally excellent Blockchain! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙