Turning a good Leaf

in Ecency22 days ago

Our dear Lord and Master Jesus Christ does not want the death of a sonner but that he might change and turn into a good leaf. One thing that is really happening is that dwelling in sin is not the best thing to do our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and said tgst we should go that our sins has been forgiven us all. Indeed as our sins has been forgiven us there is no condemnation for us all in which are in Christ Jesus thrte is indeed in all things in which we are doing as people.
God is the author and finisher of our Faith and er should always trust in him who has never, is not and would never disappoint us all in all things in which we are doing as individuals.

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We are the ones in which should always direct ourselves the spirit would be willing but the flesh? In all we are the ones in which should direct US by God's Grace. No matter the thing in which we are doing we are the ones by God's Grace to decide that we should put a stop to that in which we are doing.
God is always happy when we come back to the best way in which we are supposed to do.
Turning a new leaf deviating from that bad and wrong in which we are doing and really turning into the good path in Life.
We keep hoping for the Best 🙏
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