We are always grateful π. The Feast of Ascension is a solemnity in the Roman Catholic church in which today is like a Sunday and observation made. Ascension makes the 40- Forty days after Easter Celebration the remembering of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For Forty days our Personal Lord and Saviour Our Lord Jesus Christ was coming to the apostles but on this great day he told them that he would go back to his Father but he would send them a comforter who would be with them.
Ascension is a great feast we are happy with, without the Ascension there would not be the pentecost. Do Our Lord needed to Ascend and go to the Father for the comforter the Holy Spirit to come and be with us all.
God Almighty mount his throne to shouts of Joy, a blare of trumpets for the Lord. Our Lord is going up to his throne of Grace and Mercy with great Joy and happiness, to go back to his Father, he is indeed going with blares of great trumpet he is Forever Faithful worthy of our praises and adorations and he is going with great sounds of trumpets.
We were given the mandate like the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ who told them to go to the world and spread the godnews of the gospel of the gospel. We like how the apostles did should take up that mandate and tell people about our God Almighty. We can do so by the good Lives we live, by our words , actions and deeds, preaching the gospel of salvation by so doing we would by God's Grace spread his words which are truth and Life.
We are reminded that in all we should always communicate rightly snd spread good information to have good effects on people always π.
Once More Happy Ascension Day πππ.