in Ecencylast month

You see, in this life, we all have our different heart desires. We have what and where we are supposed to be and what we are to be doing at a particular time. That Mr. A or B is doing the other should not weigh us down. We also think that time should be straight focused on our various ambitions in life. When we are heads up, we would, by God's grace, achieve all that we hope for.

Impossibility is not a factor, as even in impossibility there is a word: I am possible. People's success should attract us to be the better version of ourselves, but that should not make us feel that we are not putting more effort in order to be successful like that person.

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One thing is that it is not he that will, but the Lord that showeth mercy. His mercy is very sure, and his mercy is what we really need in our lives.

Two boys were into different businesses; one was selling car parts while the other was selling clothes. The one selling car parts always feels that there were more gains, and one can easily make more money and gain in the clothes business, while the one selling clothes thinks one also would easily make it in the car parts business. They live in the same compound and at least see themselves sometimes in the week.

This taught continued while everyone still remained with their own thinking about what they feel about. Each person is going on with that, which is on their minds.

Then one day they met and were discussing, and one thing led to another that made them disclose their various thoughts about themselves, and both really started laughing out loud. At that point, they were surprised and still amazed at both thinking the same thing and discussing it; they really understood very well how these things work.

Sometimes we might be here, and our minds might also be in other places. That indeed is not what we are supposed to be doing, but we should be steadfast in everything in which we are doing while hoping for the best.

Be focused always on that in which we are doing, keep your head up straight, be determined, and keep up with that good work in which we are doing.

We keep hoping for the best. 🙏

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Positivity is Our Watchword


No matter the distractions coming our way In life we need to stay focus

Welcome should my dear

True talk , hope for the best

Best wishes 🙏

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Thanks 🙏