4 years on the blockchain!

in Ecency4 months ago


4 years on the blockchain! It has gone by so quickly, but when I think about all the huge changes that have happened in those 4 years it seems pretty amazing!

Thanks to @barbara-orenya for the Hiversary wishes, otherwise I may have not noticed the date at all!


When I first started here, back on that other chain, I started using the phone app that is now #Ecency and I am quite proud to be one of Ecency's original users!


These days I spend my time in the #featheredfriends community and the #shadowhunters community, both of which started out as simple tags and have both evolved into thriving communities that each have over 1000 members and keep me quite engaged trying to keep up with all the fantastic posts that are created every day.

I am really looking forward to seeing what the next 4 years have in store for all of us!


All comments written on my posts, and any posts in Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.




Make a shadowy guess in the contest hosted by @eolianpariah!

🌞Guess the Shadow🌞

When you are out Shadow Hunting, remember to go Reflection Hunting and enter @annephilbrick 's contest, too!

Reflection Hunters contest

img_0.3658591587697289.jpg image by @brittandjosie

Join the Shadow Hunters Community

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!
Supported by @pixresteemer

Sponsored by Ecency



by @barbara-orenya

Join the FEATHER FRIENDS Community

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!

Supported by OCD


Partnered with ARCHON

Comment and earn tokens!

Posted using Ecency Love