Saludos y feliz de estar de regreso por aquí con esta comunidad exclusiva para nosotras las damas desde la mas joven hasta la abuelita, porque hay abuelitas mas activas, que las mas jovenes, hace poco cumpli 55 años, pero el señor de un carrito cuando me bajaba me dijo: ¡Cuidado Joven cuando se baje! Y yo guaoooo.
Hay quienes tienen menos edad y se ven de mas edad o viceversa, bueno vamos a lo que nos interesa que es este concurso de la amiga @saffisara dentro de la comunidad LOH
En cada concurso nos dejan preguntas las cuales podemos escoger una o las dos, creo que escogere las dos.
Greetings and happy to be back here with this exclusive community for us ladies from the youngest to the grandmother, because there are more active grandmothers, than the youngest, I recently turned 55 years old, but the gentleman of a cart when I got off said to me: Watch out young man when you get off! And I was like wow.
There are those who are younger and look older or vice versa, well let's go to what interests us which is this contest of the friend @saffisara within the LOH community.
In each contest they leave us questions which we can choose one or both, I think I'll choose both.
1️⃣¿Qué entorno prefieres, las montañas o el océano? ¿Y por qué?
Yo vivo en una ciudad donde hay mucha vegetacion, pero no hay montañas cercas, pero si las hay en otras ciudades dentro del mismo estado, a veces les escucho decir que van a la montaña, pero son mas que todo personas dedicados a los cultivos, siembran y luego cosechan, vienen a la ciudad a vender sus productos.
Pero siempre me ha gustado y prefiero el mar, sera que es algo que lo traigo en la sangre ya que mi abuelita nacio en un lindo pueblito a la orilla de una playa, llamado Cangua en el estado Sucre, que tuve el gusto de conocer con ella misma. Con ella conoci las playas donde fuimos en Puerto La Cruz, Cumana y Margarita, porque en ambas ciudades teniamos familia.
1️⃣What environment do you prefer, mountains or oceans? And why?
I live in a city where there is a lot of vegetation, but there are no mountains nearby, but there are in other cities in the same state, sometimes I hear them say that they go to the mountains, but they are mostly people dedicated to the crops, they sow and then harvest, they come to the city to sell their products.
But I have always liked and prefer the sea, maybe it is something that I bring in my blood because my grandmother was born in a nice little town on the shore of a beach, called Cangua in the state of Sucre, which I had the pleasure of knowing with her. With her I knew the beaches where we went in Puerto La Cruz, Cumana and Margarita, because we had family in both cities.
Luego iba yo sola en vacaciones o con la familia, cuando tuve mi propia familia, lleve a mis hijos para que conocieran esa maravilla de la naturaleza. Lastima que las fotos la mayoria se me perdieron en un disco duro, porque eso si siempre tomo fotos, por eso para recordar esos momentos.
Estar cerca del mar, que sientas la brisa, el sol y la arena caliente bajo los pies es como una terapia, pasear en bote, comer en la playa, pero eso si no abusemos del sol y no tomar agua del mar si es salado jejeje.
Then I went alone on vacation or with the family, when I had my own family, I took my children to know this wonder of nature. Too bad that most of the photos were lost in a hard drive, because I always take pictures, that's why I always take pictures to remember those moments.
Being near the sea, feel the breeze, the sun and the warm sand under your feet is like a therapy, take a boat ride, eat on the beach, but do not abuse the sun and do not drink sea water if it is salty hehehehe.
2️⃣¿Cuál era tu juguete favorito cuando eras niño? ¿Y por qué?
Cuando se es niño, es dificil tener un solo juguete favorito, tal vez ahorita sea una decision dificil, pero antes durante mi infancia lo que mas recuerdo que me regalaba Santa eram jueguitos de te, de cocina, porque me gustaba jugar de casa, con una unica amiguita que tenia llamada Ingrid.
Los jueguitos eran de un plastico que se rompian de nada, si se caian, y las cocinitas tenian muchas piezas y siempre cuidando de que no se perdiera alguna.
2️⃣What was your favorite toy as a child? And why?
When you are a child, it is difficult to have a single favorite toy, maybe now is a difficult decision, but before during my childhood what I remember most that Santa gave me were tea sets, kitchen sets, because I liked to play at home, with a little friend I had called Ingrid.
The little games were made of plastic that would break in no time, if they fell down, and the little kitchens had many pieces and always taking care not to lose any of them.
Y asi ha sido mi participacion en este concurso en el cual uno me recordo a mis viajes con mi abuelita con quien conoci el mar y el otro a mi infancia esa que los niños de ahora no es igaul por tanta tecnologia
Para quienes me leen y desean participar aqui les comprato el enlace
Todo el contenido es propio, basado en mis experiencias vividas.
Traducido con la app DeepL.
La portada diseñada en Canva con sus elementos.
Los separadores hechos por mi, con el logo de la comunidad en Canva.
And so it has been my participation in this contest in which one reminded me of my trips with my grandmother with whom I knew the sea and the other to my childhood that the children of today is not the same because of so much technology.
For those who read me and want to participate here is the link
All content is my own, based on my lived experiences.
Translated with the app DeepL.
The cover page designed in Canva with its elements.
The dividers made by me, with the community logo in Canva.