You see there is this beauty in trusting in God. God is the author and finisher of our Faith. Trust means putting our whole hope in something. As we are now doing that who are we supposed to do that to? GOD ALMIGHTY. When you put your hopes in man one thing or the other can pop up. When it happens in view as the person really explained things and the reasons for the actions oh yes it might be acceptable to you. Being accepted still yet to you as the aim was not achieved to you it's still a big disappointment.
There is this confidence one gets when his Trust is put on God as we all knows that he will never fail us in all moments. We also know that he who we followa is a strong tower that can never be moved.
*Image is Mine
It gives happiness inner joy that is not understandable. Even in period of anxiety, problems you will see yourself still being very calm. That calmness might make people look at you in a different way but you know perfectly that by God's Grace the whole story will be greatly for good. When we look front, back , sideways and it seems that there is no way. That trust would help us as that trust would really be as a way would always come in our ways. It's a personal story that this trust has always brought me far. Today crying and the next day or more full of laughter. Laughing loud I would also remember The odd days and give glory to God Almighty who deserves my praises and Adoration.
The beauty of Trusting in God is a great strength that keeps us all going in hard times as we knows that everything would be perfected.
We keep hoping for the Best 🙏
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