Name your favorite Charity and what makes it special to you?
With the hope that new year had been a blessing to many, I wish you a very Happy Day to all the Hiveans. And not to say, to make our body and mind work constantly, we have another challenging questions from @kerrislravenhill
Helping mankind, while expecting nothing in return, is one of the most blessed charity one can ever act upon. Even if its a glass of water.
Not necessarily money, but Charity, may be in the form of sharing and caring of the abandoned.ones. And I fall into this cateģory.
But then where money is essential, it has to be given. As the saying goes what is given by the right hand should not be known by the left hand.
When you give something to the weak, in the form of a welcoming smile, a never ending talking, a lovely gesture, a tight hug, even spending few hours with them, will not only make them happy but you get a respectful place in their hearts.
When writing this piece of article, it came to my memory about two maids working in the school, where I worked as a librarian. Financially they were too weak but their strength was their beautiful smile. On the day of getting the salary, I never forget to give them a share and inexchange I get a hug. Today Iam not sure where those girls are as I left the country 8 years ago. They were also nationals from another country.
Charity takes many forms, other than money. Sharing and caring is one among them, especially for the aged. Even if its over a cup of coffee doesn't matter, unless you hold their hand.
Few years back I and my husband went to an old Age home to provide them a one time meal. The moment I got in, they looked at me, with a pleasant smile while few ignored me. I could see the depth of pain in each face, eagerly waiting for their beloved ones.
Some of them, caressed me, hugged me and kept my hand in tight with theirs, for the fear I will go away. Believe me those were emotional moments. Somewhere I felt my entry was a messenger for them, for the fact that each were confiding their remorseful story to me. Painful stories of how they were forced into this old age home, came as a shock to me.
In this painful state also, most of them were trying to protect their children, who abandoned them in an old age home.
My next visit was to a physically challenged institution for a one time meal. They were not even aware of the happenings, most of them were having a sweet smile in their face, while some looked grim. It is a kind of reminder as to how lucky we are and for this we should be thankful to Almighty.
The fact is, some act of theirs, force us to make another visit. I understood one thing from my visit, it was not for the food they were smiling, but the very presence of someone brought some expectations to few, who boldly came forward to confide their inner feelings.
The beauty and respect of mankind is lost once and for all, when you abandon and disrespect your parents. Because this is the age they need someone with whom they can share their thoughts.
The photo posted herein are captured by me from my mobile. Hope you enjoed my article.