Concurso comunitario Damas de Hive n.° 168// Ladies of Hive Community Contest #168

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Feliz inicio de semana para todos mis apreciados amigos de Hive y damas de la comunidad, la mañana de hoy vengo a compartir con todos ustedes y a participar de esta fascinante iniciativa semanal, creada en esta ocasión por la amiga @joanstewart, la cual nos presenta tres preguntas de interés y relevancia, de las cuales decidí responder una de ellas, espero que sea de su agrado mi desempeño.

Happy start to the week to all my appreciated Hive friends and ladies of the community, today I come to share with all of you and participate in this fascinating weekly initiative, created on this occasion by friend @joanstewart, which presents us three questions of interest and relevance, of which I decided to answer one of them, I hope you like my performance.

Algún cambio importante previsto para 2024 o que continuará como en el pasado?
Háganos saber lo que cree que requiere cambios en su país, región u hogar.

Para nadie es un secreto que en Venezuela pasamos momentos difíciles, vivimos de esperanzas e ilusiones porque un cambio drástico ocurra no sólo en nuestra política, sino a nivel social y personal.
Necesitamos un país que nos contenga a todos con las mismas posibilidades de mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, que no nos dé caridad, sino que busque la forma de crear más empleos, que el cambio que necesitamos nos haga contar con los factores necesarios para nuestro bienestar, una economía sostenible con sueldos que alcance para cubrir nuestras necesidades básicas, viviendas dignas, nivel de ingreso y tipo de empleo de cada persona de acuerdo a su nivel de instrucción o estudios, tengamos acceso a un sistema de salud pública, que garantice atención de buena calidad, que los pacientes sean atendidos con igualdad de condiciones, que tengamos seguridad ciudadana, una mejor educación para nuestros niños, que cuenten con buenos profesores y que su enseñanza sea prioridad.

Any major changes planned for 2024 or will it continue as in the past?
Let us know what you think requires changes in your country, region or home.

It is no secret to anyone that in Venezuela we go through difficult times, we live on hopes and dreams because a drastic change will occur not only in our politics, but on a social and personal level.
We need a country that contains us all with the same possibilities of improving our quality of life, that does not give us charity, but rather looks for a way to create more jobs, that the change we need makes us have the necessary factors for our well-being , a sustainable economy with salaries that are enough to cover our basic needs, decent housing, income level and type of employment for each person according to their level of education or studies, we have access to a public health system that guarantees health care. good quality, that patients are treated under equal conditions, that we have citizen security, a better education for our children, that they have good teachers and that their teaching is a priority.

Un cambio en la calidad de nuestros adultos mayores, que no vivan en el desamparo y abandono, muchos tienen que vivir en la soledad y miseria, personas que trabajaron toda su vida y no cuentan con una pensión digna que cubra sus necesidades médicas, una alimentación balanceada mucho menos le alcanza para recrearse y pasar sus últimos días viviendo dignamente.

A change in the quality of our older adults, so that they do not live in helplessness and abandonment, many have to live in loneliness and misery, people who have worked all their lives and do not have a decent pension that covers their medical needs, food balanced, much less is enough for him to recreate and spend his last days living with dignity.

Dignidad, equidad y paz, realmente no está en mis manos que se produzca ese cambio en mi país, solo tener las ganas de trabajar y esforzarme cada día con más ímpetu, valores, resistencia, perseverancia, siendo una mejor persona, cada vez somos más los que queremos seguir empujando a este país , hacía lo bueno, hacía las cosas bonitas , pero necesitamos la unión, las ganas y la voluntad de cambio, este año se nos presenta una gran oportunidad de cambiar la historia de nuestro país, salgamos a votar con una mano en el corazón, con conciencia, con miras hacia el futuro, con esperanza y con memoria, busquemos información, eduquemonos y trabajemos día a día para lograr el país que queremos y merecemos.
Agradecida siempre ❤️

Dignity, equity and peace, it is really not in my hands that this change occurs in my country, just having the desire to work and strive every day with more drive, values, resistance, perseverance, being a better person, we are becoming more and more Those of us who want to continue pushing this country, did good things, did beautiful things, but we need unity, the desire and the will to change, this year we are presented with a great opportunity to change the history of our country, let's go out and vote With one hand on our hearts, with conscience, with a view to the future, with hope and with memory, let us seek information, educate ourselves and work day by day to achieve the country we want and deserve.
Always grateful ❤️

¡Gracias por leer, contenido original!

fotografías mostradas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi .

La Versión en Inglés la realicé con el Traductor de Google.

Thank you for reading, original content!

photographs shown are my property, taken with my Redmi phone.

I made the English Version with Google Translate.


Your call is echoed here in South Africa, time for change, vote toward a better future in 2024, young generation need confidence in simply finding employment, then build together. It's a long hard road to recover after greed, deception, theft has taken control.


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We are in a year, where can we change things in our country, God willing so it will be, amen, amen, amen 🙏 greetings @joanstewart .

We vote this year really hoping for change!


A great desire that all Venezuelans have, hopefully 2024 comes with positive changes for our beautiful and battered country, greetings

Saludos @carisma77 amen, amén, amen, so will God be through, hugs



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@mariperez316, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Good government makes life easier for the masses. I hope everything goes well this 2024 for the people of Venezuela.

It’s a hard case , we need the world nd more love
Happy Monday

Yes, very difficult but not impossible, love moves mountains, we need that love, to achieve that purpose, blessings. Greetings @brittandjosie