[ESP|ENG] Travel - Learning - balance|Viaje -Aprendizaje - equilibrio /Ladies of Hive Community Contest #206

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago

Imagen hecha por mí @mariakekin | Image made by me in Canva

Saludos a todos los hivers y en especial a las bellas damas de esta comunidad Ladies of Hive. Hoy me uno a la iniciativa de @priyanarc, correspondiente al concurso numero #206, con preguntas para esta semana.

Greetings to all hivers and especially to the beautiful ladies of this community Ladies of Hive. Today I join @priyanarc's initiative, corresponding to contest number #206, with questions for this week.


Estas son las preguntas correspondientes al concurso de esta semana.
y mis respuestas.

¿Qué destino de viaje te ha impactado más y por qué?

El destino que más impacto puede tener en nuestras vidas varía según las experiencias y perspectivas de cada persona. Sin embargo, hay algunos lugares que suelen dejar una huella muy significativa en quienes los visitan. El destino de viaje que me ha impactado mas, fue cuando visite por primera ves, el parque nacional mochica, por su belleza natural, por su diversidad en el ecosistema, ubicado en el oriente de nuestro país. Conocí este increíble parque, ya que me dieron de regalo este viaje, por mi grado de bachiller. Les cuento esto, porque vivo en la región andina y ese era mi ilusión, conocer este parque nacional y disfrutar de sus imponentes playas.

¿Puedes compartir algún momento en el que hayas convertido una situación difícil en una valiosa lección de vida?

Una situación difícil, fue cuando mi madre murió y a mi me toco tomar las riendas en mi casa materna con la responsabilidad de mi padre ya que el es un poco mayor 89 años. Mi padre es una persona difícil y poco comunicativo. Pues me ha tocado ser muy paciente con el, sabiendo sobre llevarlo, en todos los sentidos, desde la preparación de su comida hasta, entender su soledad. A veces me provoca tirar la toalla. De esta experiencia he aprendido a valorar mas a mi padre, comprenderlo y ser mas resiliente.

¿Cómo se crea un equilibrio entre dar a los demás y priorizar tus propias necesidades?

Crear un equilibrio entre dar a los demás y priorizar las propias necesidades es esencial para mantener una buena salud mental y emocional. Aquí les dejo, algunas estrategias que nos pueden ayudar a lograr ese equilibrio: Conocer lo que realmente necesitamos, nos ayudara a establecer prioridades. Establecer límites, Aprendiendo a decir "no" cuando sea necesario. No se puede ayudar a otros, si te sientes abrumado. Establecer límites claros te van a permitir, cuidar de ti mismo sin sentirte culpable. Dedicar tiempo a actividades que te nutran, ya sea ejercicio, meditación, lectura o simplemente descansar. Encontrar un equilibrio es un proceso continuo y puede requerir ajustes a lo largo del tiempo. La clave es ser consciente de tus propias necesidades mientras ofreces apoyo a los demás.

These are the questions for this week's quiand my answers.

Which travel destination has impacted you the most and why?

The destination that can have the most impact on our lives varies according to each person's experiences and perspectives. However, there are some places that tend to leave a very significant impression on those who visit them. The travel destination that has impacted me the most, was when I visited for the first time, the Mochica National Park, for its natural beauty, for its diversity in the ecosystem, located in the east of our country. I got to know this incredible park because I was given this trip as a gift for my high school graduation. I tell you this because I live in the Andean region and that was my dream, to know this national park and enjoy its stunning beaches.

Can you share a moment in which you have turned a difficult situation into a valuable life lesson?

A difficult situation was when my mother died and I had to take the reins in my mother's house with the responsibility of my father since he is a little older than 89 years old. My father is a difficult person and not very communicative. I have had to be very patient with him, knowing how to deal with him in every way, from preparing his meals to understanding his loneliness. Sometimes he makes me throw in the towel. From this experience I have learned to appreciate my father more, to understand him and to be more resilient.

How do you create a balance between giving to others and prioritizing your own needs?

Creating a balance between giving to others and prioritizing your own needs is essential to maintaining good mental and emotional health. Here are some strategies that can help us achieve this balance: Knowing what we really need will help us to establish priorities. Establish limits, learning to say “no” when necessary. You can't help others if you feel overwhelmed. Setting clear boundaries will allow you to take care of yourself without feeling guilty. Spending time on activities that nourish you, whether it is exercise, meditation, reading or just resting. Finding a balance is an ongoing process and may require adjustments over time. The key is to be aware of your own needs while offering support to others.


Muchas gracias por visitar y leer mi blog, será hasta la próxima entrega.

Thank you very much for visiting and reading my blog will be until the next installment




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📸Las fotos de mi autoria, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi Note 13. Me reservo el derecho de autor|📸Pictures of my authorship, taken with my Redmi Note 13 phone. I reserve the copyright.

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This is such a heartfelt and insightful post! Your story about visiting Mochica National Park and its impact on you is beautiful, and the way you’ve handled your father’s care after your mother’s passing is admirable. I also love your advice on balancing giving and self-care. it practical, thanks , I wish you the best in your entry.

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@mariakekin, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Creating a balance between giving to others and prioritizing your own needs is essential to maintaining good mental and emotional health.

Absolutely and thanks for sharing such valuable advice.

Mochica National Park

Is it somewhere near Peru? Is it related to Moche culture and Andean civilization?