Love that can fantasize| LOH community contest #173

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

Hello everyone! Hope so you all are enjoying these days of winter giving small hints to summer to wake up from a deep sleep. Setting of sun, cold breeze, sky with few stars, that flourish our thoughts.

These are the days that give your brain a wave that what if someday you fall for someone? Do you want to decide your future? After that i questioned myself. Does love is a selection? Does attraction is compulsory in love? Well you have to find answer in yourslef.

Love that exist but in imaginations:

People now a days fall for fictional men. A man who is giving them a mafia vibes. Who provide all the luxuries to her but somewhere she wants to stay hide from the society. But there is a lot of difference between reality and fiction.

Selection for love:

We all know love is a natural phenomenon. We cant control our emotions. These all are hormones that start dancing and one of them give a big hip move and the other one fell apart . After falling, his brain start deciding things out of track, and we think Oh we are falling in love.

Prison of love:

"She loves you but do not love her too much, otherwise you'll loose a grip. Show some atittude."(silly thoughts). Love has no bounderies.

Love is vise versa of days , as they are passing your affection is increased. Which sort of love is this if you have to control your emotions? Freedom is requried in love but if he can not stand with you do not stand with him. It will effect your ego, your personality.

But on the other side there is no ego left when you are in love. Do you agree with me?

Putting one flower in future one by one:

It is very difficult for me to live in present. Umm yes yes i live in present but my thoughts, my thinking live in future . I am building a garden in future by adding a flower of imaginations and including the person in my imaginations whom i love, which made my thoughts an un-definable world.


Build castle of love. Give freedom in every relationship.
Ah the love with a lot of trust , li'l bit fight but you can manage all the things.


Your reflections on the complexities of love and the balance between reality and imagination are intriguing. It's important to navigate the realm of emotions with mindfulness and trust, building a castle of love while allowing freedom in every relationship. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Thank you much i am glad to know that you find it intresting. We all have different veiws and realism is everyting.

Love is beyond emotions, reasoning and feel as it's a struggle between heart and mind.

Yes and it effects on our senses. Thanks for reading my article
