Fleeting Thoughts
Something we all need, learn to step back consider one day at a time, the big secret to health is not to mourn the past, nor worry about the future, we can only live in the present.
Use each moment wisely take small steps energized by thought tomorrow the sun will shine, food will adorn the table, we worry about about everything and nothing!
We are not promised tomorrow, trust is an exciting part of a journey expecting the sun to rise for us one more time, why do we earnestly focus on chasing what we may never achieve. I don't say give up and do nothing, keep planning, make good use of our time, believe in yourself as no one else will.
Everyone is lonely at some point in life, when children grow or change happens, we lose someone close, we cannot dwell in the past, right oneself quickly and strive to meet the goals in place, simply small steps each day. This always makes me think of the question; How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! It is life.
Looking too far into the future or wishing our lives away is never healthy either, more money less time spend actually living real life with family and friends, remember to always take/make time for yourself and loved ones.
Take chances when offered, sometimes they take us onto another path, as long as we have strength enough to enjoy the ride, do it.
We find it difficult seeing ourselves through the eyes of another, don't judge yourself harshly each one is struggling in their own shoes. Feeling sorry for oneself is negative, balance is always found in both good and bad, our foundation more often than not projects good.
Motherhood, Queen of the home encapsulates the essence of living, truly fulfilling life by loving everyone, we must never forget to live enjoying each moment not only on Mothers Day or any other day. A lifelong commitment to love yourself first, the rest will come naturally if we assess each step we take.
Mothers, woman, vixen boudoir, smile remember youthful days, an age possibly nurturing young, share as we grow older in hushed tones.
Be strong, be you, enjoy the month of May in song.
Robert Plant - "The May Queen" on loan from YouTube

Have a fun day wherever you are in the world, appreciate nature and everything she offers you. All photography taken on Canon Powershot SX730 HS, any queries link with me in comments below.
Thought for Today: "Repetition is the mother of knowledge." - African Proverb