They are my model, without a doubt... And my maternal grandmother, @saffisara
Hold, push, let go detach myself, and trust, they, my parents did it with me and I do it with my children. This is what I write about while growing up when they, my parents taught me to ride a bicycle, without little wheels on the sides. Quite an adventure.
Every day of my life I thank God for having coincided with my parents in time and space.

My maps of my present...
To have the love of my parents who in my growth since childhood unconditionally gave me the emotional base I have needed to face the challenges of life successfully.
Definitely, love is a serious and crucial matter in our families with high family values, mutual respect, leadership exchange according to the problem, respect for individuality, unconditional support, and with a lot of love under the blessing of God...
I learned from them about the dignity that comes from honest work, the importance of caring for and keeping the family together, they taught me by example to follow with each of their 8 children.
I am the eldest daughter and I can vouch for what I say, of course I have tried to reproduce what I learned, in my own family (husband and children) adding our signature as husbands, partners and parents, so continues that legacy of love in the growth of my grandchildren, our children's children.
I also miss my maternal grandmother "Margarita", from her I require so much the number, her inspiration, and muse of her inveterate optimism, my maternal grandmother, was a woman who had that hand that held my soul from childhood until I became a woman.
With my grandmother, I learned to grow up with optimism and patience, to recognize that life has great lessons, and to recognize my mistakes in order to rectify them.

Over time I grew up looking at my parents, the way they linked with themselves, the loving, flexible and healthy way of loving us, because we, their 8 children, are a diamond with multiple faces. And although during my growth there were losses, pain, abuse, envy, revenge, jealousy... I can say with certainty that the skeleton of the family is love.
Beautiful day for all, may we be able to count the blessings we have to continue growing on this day.
Separator made with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /) by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /)
Translation with |DeepL