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RE: Concurso Comunitario Damas de la Colmena #200//Ladies of Hive Community Contest #200[ESP/ENG]

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago

Thank you my dear friend @priyanarc80, for your words. I say that we gave the best to my daughter, with good principles and what we instilled principles valued by us and my daughter took it the same way we did. And that is how we receive the fruit of what we have sown. She is happy and so are we. She has her home, she lacks a son. But as a daughter she is a super daughter. She takes care of us, economically with the food, medicine and everything related to us, because we are already 68 years old, my husband and I will be 61. But thanks to her and her husband we can be well in everything. For that I thank God