LOH Contest #192- Fewer friends after 30

in Ladies of Hive8 months ago

How much does friendship mean to you? Can you make new friends easily?

Friendship is something that I consider very valuable, however at different times in my life I have given it more or less importance, I think that over time we learn to distinguish between different types of friendships, and depending on our age we may have a different perspective on friendship. I know that there are people who are rather solitary, who prefer their own company, and that really having friends is not a necessity, in my case it is, to be able to share, to live experiences, to laugh, to feel that I have by my side someone I can trust, someone who enjoys my company and vice versa seems to me a treasure. As the sayings of the Encarta encyclopedia back in the year 2000 said "chi trova un amico trova un tesoro" who finds a friend finds a treasure.

I have had many friends throughout my life and I am grateful for that, I think I value having always had a best friend, being able to connect with someone in a special way in each of my stages. Of course many of them are no longer in my life, with some at least I have the possibility to establish contact if I wanted to, but we are not in the same tune.


This picture was taken in 2011, in a travel with my friends

I think that when we cross the age of 30 our circle of friendships is reduced, and there we see who are the friends that last, and I do not take away importance to those who do not last, interpersonal relationships are like that, each one takes its course and represent a moment of our life, they may have been of great support, make us happy, help us to achieve something in our life line. And those that last, do it for a reason.

I remember that one time I had the purpose of making friends, for a short time I felt lonely, I think it was just before entering college, I would have been about 16 years old, It was brief but soon everything changed and became the opposite and I went from feeling lonely to having many friends.

My 20's were a time of many friends, it was easy for me to socialize, but not because I had special skills, just the context and environments made it easy for me, As the years passed and I left the academic environment, friends were reduced, but I no longer cared about getting friends and feeling alone did not generate me as much discomfort as before, I just accepted it and tried to approach people every so often as not to go crazy hahaha it is important to have even one friend to talk to.

Currently my circle of friends is reduced to more or less 5 people and I just let things flow, I do not strive to make friends, just to be me, and if I connect with a new person it will be in a natural way, I am no longer interested and the only thing that matters to me is to try to maintain a harmonious relationship with those who I consider my friends.

What old, worn-out thing can you simply not part with?

This question is difficult, because in my house we are compulsive hoarders and although I do not want to accept it, this behavior has also been implanted in my mind, and I hold on to many old things, I have old clothes from about 15 years ago, which I still use. I think the most worn out things I wear are some socks whose elastic is damaged or even broken, and I have socks in good condition, but when the ones in good condition are not available I wear the others and I don't worry as long as I don't have to show them to anyone hehe.

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Thank you very much for your attention


I enjoyed reading your views on friendship and it's special how you describe it. I'm one of those lone people who enjoy my own company, however, I have 2 special friends for many years, who I hold dear to me.
Great post and a nice early morning read:)))
Happy Sunday!

Hello, i'm glad you enjoyed, it's good when you are better by your own, but you still have a least one person you consider your friend and whom you can trust.


I love one thing you made mention, Let the friends come naturally do it wont be the type that would bring issue or troubles. Speaking from experience though. Thanks for sharing dear!

Yes there was a moment in my life when i think i kind forced myself to make some friends, it altought a didn't have issues, i think the rifht way is to let them come naturally, to connect with them without looking for it.