Most times we find it so easy to celebrate other people's achievements but feel restrain to give ourselves tombs up which a times it's not so necessary.
Truth be told, we need all the accolades you can think of which helps us to be so refreshed in may cases and forget about many trouble around us. As women we always try our best to meet up with family needs that we forget that our happiness too is outmost important.
A well seasoned chicken will do the job for me. Having a surrendered chicken is one thing and having it well seasoned and we'll fried or roasted is another thing. This I will do my best to have it with a chilled soft drink to use and wash it down. When am down with this chicken, even the chicken will confirm that someone devoured it to the marrow.
At other I will love to take myself to a very cool place off from home distraction, there no one will say Mom am hungry and ask for other little children things. My little baby girl will always wish to have something after a while and when she begins to make demands that may even throw one of balance. That particular day, I will not have to worry myself with what the family will eat for the whole day at least when I return I will be satisfied and ready to face the house chores again.
My entry to this week's contest. Thanks for stopping by my blog.