Ladies of Hive Community Contest #177- What part of my body would I submit to cosmetic surgery if money were not an issue? [ESP|ENG]

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

Un saludo mi querida comunidad ❤️ les doy la bienvenida a mi blog y les deseo un feliz inicio de semana a todos los que me leen el día de hoy. Esta semana me gustaría unirme a la iniciativa de la querida @ifarmgirl para continuar hablando un poco mas sobre nuestro estilo de vida y las experiencias del día a día como mujeres, en esta pregunta con la cual me sentí identificada ya que es un tema que pasa en algún momento por la mente de muchas mujeres y es considerar someterse a una cirugía estética para mejorar o modificar alguna parte de su cuerpo, claro si en este caso el dinero no fuera el problema

Greetings my dear community ❤️ I welcome you to my blog and I wish a happy start of the week to all who read me today. This week I would like to join the initiative of the dear @ifarmgirl to continue talking a little more about our lifestyle and day to day experiences as women, in this question with which I felt identified as it is a topic that passes at some point in the minds of many women and is to consider undergoing cosmetic surgery to improve or modify any part of your body, of course if in this case the money was not the problem.

Si el dinero no fuera un problema, ¿consideraría someterse a una operación de cirugía estética para mejorar su aspecto? ¿Qué parte de su cuerpo le gustaría modificar? Comparta su opinión con nosotros.

If money were no object, would you consider undergoing cosmetic surgery to improve your appearance? What part of your body would you like to modify? Share your opinion with us.

Primeramente les comento que le tengo terror a un quirófano y siendo el caso que tuviera dinero, definitivamente no me sometería a ninguna cirugía estética y mucho menos que esta fuera con el fin de modificar alguna parte de mi cuerpo, sencillamente porque me siento bien como soy y por mi cabeza nunca a pasado esta idea, como saben nadie en este mundo es perfecto me refiero a la parte física o externa, siempre tenemos algo que es nuestro punto débil en cuanto a la belleza. ya que para mi la verdadera belleza de una mujer viene de su interior, su forma de ser, sus cualidades y muy importante basada en valores.

First of all I would like to tell you that I am terrified of an operating room and if I had money, I would definitely not undergo any cosmetic surgery and much less that this was in order to modify any part of my body, simply because I feel good as I am and my head has never passed this idea, as you know no one in this world is perfect I mean the physical or external part, we always have something that is our weak point in terms of beauty, because for me the true beauty of a woman comes from within, her way of being, her qualities and very important based on values.

Sin embargo con esto no quiero decir que estoy en contra con aquellas personas que lo hacen y que con esto se sientan mejor, incluso muchas comentan que les mejora su estado de animo y su autoestima. Soy respetuosa de la decisión que cada quien tome, sin embargo deben tener mucho cuidado al momento de escoger el lugar donde se van a realizar este tipo de cirugía y no tomar decisiones a la ligera o dejarse llevar por ofertas engañosas, donde ya hemos visto a diario en las noticas la gran cantidad de mujeres que han perdido la vida por el mal procedimiento de una cirugía estética realizadas por personas que en su gran mayoría no son especialistas o profesionales de la medicina y colocan clínicas clandestinas sin importarles que ponen en riesgo la vida de muchas mujeres.

However, this is not to say that I am against those people who do it and feel better, many even comment that it improves their mood and self-esteem. I am respectful of the decision that each person makes, however they should be very careful when choosing the place where they are going to have this type of surgery and not make decisions lightly or get carried away by misleading offers, where we have already seen daily in the news the large number of women who have lost their lives by the bad procedure of cosmetic surgery performed by people who in most cases are not specialists or medical professionals and place clandestine clinics without caring that they put the lives of many women at risk.

Nos vemos en otra oportunidad para seguir conversando y compartiendo mas sobre nuestro estilo de vida deseando que perdure en todos los hogares las buenas relaciones y el amor. Saludos y bendiciones¡
Cuídense amigos y será hasta la próxima para compartirles mucho mas!

See you in another opportunity to continue talking and sharing more about our lifestyle wishing that good relationships and love will last in all homes. Greetings and blessings!
Take care friends and will be until next time to share much more!

Pueden seguirme en 💙:You can follow me on 💙:

Las fotos y el contenido son de mi autoria tomadas con mi teléfono POCO M3
Para la traducción usé el traductor: DeepL

The photos and content are my own.
For the translation, I used the translator: DeepL


Yes, you are right. Everyone has the right to undergo surgery if they want, and I respect that you see yourself as someone who doesn't need it.

Also, I do agree that beauty comes from inside and not just the physical form.

@tipu curate 2

I don't agree less with you. Even an injection needle is my enemy, so the thought of going through a surgery have never crossed my mind. You look good my dear

It's awesome that the thought of changing anything in your body never crossed your mind. I salute you for that :)

And I agree with you, people who are thinking about doing it must go to certified professionals and also take into consideration the risks involved.

Thank you for your thoughtful sharing, !LADY 💗

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At the end of the day it’s all about preference, and you are right people should make their research well so as not to have a quack operate on them