Ladies of Hive Community Contest #179 || ✨My mother's teachings✨ [ESP/ENG]

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Hola queridos amigos de Hive ❤️ un gran saludo para todos los que me visitan el día de hoy, en esta oportunidad uniendome una vez más a esta iniciativa semanal que propone el equipo de la comunidad y nuestra querida @merit.ahama, creada por y para nosotras las mujeres.

Hablar sobre todas las virtudes y cualidades de las mujeres es algo que como mujer me llena mucho, pero cuando esa persona es mi mamá, creo que el corazón toma el lugar de la razón para responder a esa pregunta, porque no hay nada que yo le pueda agradecer a mi madre más la mujer que gracias a ella soy...un pequeño detalle jaja. Eso y poco más les estaré Hablando a continuación con las siguiente pregunta, si desean los invito a responder conmigo.

✨Cuéntanos algo que hayas aprendido de tu madre, tu hermana o una vecina que ella no te haya enseñado directamente🤔

La pregunta dice así pero yo la quise abreviar a "las enseñanzas de mi madre", aunque debería ser las enseñanzas indirectas de mi madre porque en éste caso ella no me las enseñó como tal sino que por su juen ejemplo así yo las quise adoptar, aunque tampoco sé en la parte de psicología, si ésto influye el hecho de ser su hija y quiera adoptar todas aquellas cualidades debmi madre, simplemente porque me gustan y porque algun dia me gustaría honrarla en su nombre por todas aquellas cosas que hizo, que sabe y que logró.

Una de ellas recuerdo que fue su reinado cuando su pueblo natal, ya desde pequeña de alguna manera ya venía con ese interés o curiosidad por saber lo que se siente o lo ella en su momento sintió, y años mas tarde en la escuela fui seleccionada 3 veces para representarla en los carnavales y un de ellas gané, y la verdad fue una linda experiencia pero que solo quedó hasta ahí.

Hablando de enseñanzas a nivel de valores, le agradezco a mi madre que, indirectamente me enseñó a ser responsable y amar lo que hago, no hacer las cosas por salir del paso porque eso habla de nuestro esfuerzo, las ganas y la habilidad al fin y al cabo, un mal trabajo o un mal comportamiento no puede dejarnos más que malas referencias y también mal representados si venimos de parte de un tercero. Ser educado, amable, respetuoso y responsable son algunas de muchas cosas buenas y positivas que mi madre con su forma de ser hacia a mi me ha enseñado.

Espero les haya gustado, extiendo mi invitación a todos los que deseen participar, nos vemos pronto será hasta la próxima y que tengan un feliz día!💋

Hello dear friends of Hive ❤️ a big greeting to all who visit me today, this time joining once again to this weekly initiative proposed by the community team and our dear @merit.ahama, created by and for us women.

Talking about all the virtues and qualities of women is something that as a woman fills me a lot, but when that person is my mom, I think the heart takes the place of reason to answer that question, because there is nothing I can thank my mother more the woman that thanks to her I am ... a small detail haha. That and a little more I will be talking to you next with the following question, if you wish I invite you to answer with me.

✨Tell us about one thing you learned from your mother or sister or a female neighbour that she didn't teach you directly🤔

The question says so but I wanted to abbreviate it to "my mother's teachings", although it should be the indirect teachings of my mother because in this case she did not teach them to me as such but by her good example I wanted to adopt them, although I do not know in the part of psychology, if this influences the fact that I am her daughter and I want to adopt all those qualities of my mother, simply because I like them and because someday I would like to honor her in her name for all those things she did, that she knows and that she achieved.

One of them I remember was her reign in her hometown, since I was a little girl somehow I already came with that interest or curiosity to know what she felt or what she felt at the time, and years later in school I was selected 3 times to represent her in the carnivals and one of them I won, and the truth was a nice experience but that only stayed there.

Speaking of teachings at the level of values, I thank my mother who indirectly taught me to be responsible and love what I do, not to do things to get by because that speaks of our effort, desire and ability at the end of the day, a bad job or bad behavior can only leave us bad references and also misrepresented if we come from a third party. Being polite, kind, respectful and responsible are some of the many good and positive things that my mother with her way of being towards me has taught me.

I hope you liked it, I extend my invitation to all who wish to participate, see you soon until next time and have a happy day!💕🤗

  • Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes son de mi propiedad

  • Cámara: Redmi note 10s

  • Uso un aro de luz LED como base para mi teléfono y tomarme las fotos

  • All content is my own and images are my property

  • Camera: Redmi note 10s

  • I use an LED light ring as a base for my phone to take pictures of myself

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Greetings my friend, if all mothers become an example to follow and teach us how to move forward on this path of life. Blessings to you and your mom. Hugs.

Greetings!!! Yes it is very true, and it becomes more special when that connection unites us with something we have in common, we must always be grateful for the fact that we are here and first of all for having given us the gift of life 😊. Blessings and hugs equally to you!!!!

What a nice story your mom seems so cool and inspiring 😊

Aw thank you very much for your comment 😊 since I was little she has always been my example to follow, and it's nice to admire and thank who one day saw us born 💕, I'm glad you liked my post, greetings friend and have a nice day!!!!

Your description shows your mom is a woman of virtues and are teaching are important to ones life. Thanks for sharing.

I admire the things your mum taught you indirectly, it's not everyone out there who are taught to love what they do. You're blessed

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A woman of virtue you have there as a mother ❤️