Hi daily blogger, it a lovely Wednesday with me and the family, it was fourteen years ago we walked down the isle with my husband 17April,2010
This fourteen years has been sometimes sweet and sad but the Lord God Almighty has been faithful in His own way to us.
Today I woke up prayed, I had women fellowship by 5:00am. I gave the message from Psalm 90:10 the topic was use your time wisely. The psalmist drew our attention to how long a time given to us to transact in this body He has given us to manage 'three score and ten and if by virtue of strength four score 'this correspond with the author of the book the clock of life () who divided the three score and ten by every 24 hours representing one year, meaning every 24hours represent one year. That's we have 3years plus to live in this life. The first 24 years of one's live is one year. The question is what did you achieve in this first year of your life? The second year is forty eight years what's your achievement? What input did you make? How many lives were impacted by your life at 48. The prayer is O Lord teach us to number our days that we may apply wisdom to our heart.
After the fellowship we came for family morning devotion where we read 1john 3:10-22. Where we were thought Love Anivessary was offered, the children and I went to the pig farm to check on them and feed the.
We had visitors who came to share
In our joy. We eat moi moi and gari. It was a lovely time to day with the children. One biological and One adopted. The day ended in praise and worship to God for the great thing He did for us with mid week prayer and a family prayer few minutes ago. Thank you @chigir.