Hello everyone especially for amazing ladies of hive around the world! Thank you for the great opportunity that I get for participating in contest of this week. I am so excited to answer the questions contributed by @danigada18, it is interesting questions.

At first, I said this was a disaster for my life, a very unpleasant experience that had ever happened and I never expected it before because my previous life was normal. The beginning of this disaster was when I experienced something called stomach acid. At that time, my first symptom was that my stomach hurt in the pit of my stomach, it felt very uncomfortable and painful, then my chest was often tight and painful, my throat felt tight and lumpy so I had to take long, deep breaths.
One moment in the morning, I suddenly felt that my chest was very heavy and tight with a feeling of pressure in my chest. My head suddenly felt heavy and there I started to panic, my heart suddenly beat fast and very fast, my head was dizzy and my hands were tingling. I was very panicked and confused by the situation. I've never experienced this before, so I was very anxious and felt like I was going to die. Right, that was what I think. Silly questions came to my mind, like what's wrong with me? What happened to me? Why does it feel like this, like I'm going to die? Am I going to die soon because I feel like I can't be helped? My heart was pounding and I couldn't think straight.
A situation where it is very unpleasant and very scary, honestly, this make me very traumatized. When that happened I immediately told my boyfriend at the time, and he tried to calm me down. He told me that everything would be fine. I felt the opposite and I asked him to immediately go to the nearest hospital and be examined so that I could be treated properly and as quickly as possible. I was afraid. I was afraid of dying and I was afraid of not being helped. What if I die and I no longer exist in this world. It was really an overwhelming thought and I can't get over it.
It was beyond my ability that I could not master and handle it myself. It was very torturous condition. If people have never experienced this, they will definitely think I am overreacting and like a strange person, right? Because they don't experience panic attacks themselves. Yes, I experienced that and it was very torturous. The more anxious and afraid I get, the more I panic and my heart will continue to beat so fast that it feels like it's going to pop out. I could feel a strong pounding in my chest, like a loud drum sound inside. I can no longer control it and it goes out of control without being able to do anything. The more I think about it, the more scared I get, it also gets worse of course. It was like a nightmare and I just wanted to wake up immediately.
I've had panic attacks a few times and quite often in the past. Every time that happens, I always can't calm down and my boyfriend always takes me to the emergency room and the doctor always says it's because of anxiety and stomach acid. Actually, it's okay, there's nothing to worry about. What I have to worry about is my mental condition, my thoughts are not good which actually causes everything to get worse. The more I think about it, the more my illness will not be cured because it is very related. Gastric acid disease is very closely related to the mind. The more stressed I was, the worse my illness became.
So, the solution is that I have to be able to guard my thoughts well, control them and always think positively. I'm a typical person who easily has negative thoughts and that is very bad and dangerous. When experiencing a situation, we must always think positively and calmly, and tell ourselves that everything will be fine and I will definitely recover, I will be able to get through this all. Don't be afraid or worry, and most importantly pray to God for help. That's also very important. When we pray to God, our minds and hearts will be calm.
As time goes by, I rarely have panic attacks because I can control my thoughts from scary and negative things. Next, I had anxiety. It's also very torturous every day. I can't comfortably do activities because I feel anxious all the time. Every time I feel an unclear and unnecessary fear. Even though nothing happened, my mind was clouded by anxiety and fear of something. Strange, right? I myself felt strange and couldn't understand how I could have those thoughts. I was trying to overcome it and it was not easy. The person closest to me, my boyfriend, my father, at that time always calmed me. They always support me to recover and think positively and divert my mind by doing fun things, doing my favorite things.
My closest people are always there when I need them. When I'm scared, I'm anxious, I panic, when I have them by my side, I can feel a little calm and feel fine. Every time I'm worried about something, their words always make me calm down and think positively. That's very important.
I even went to a heart specialist and checked to see if my heart was okay. I was afraid that I might have heart disease and that really made me scared and anxious. I even had to go to a psychiatrist because of my severe anxiety which I couldn't overcome. I was given medicines like sedatives and things like that. You know, that's not very helpful. What helps me is my own mind and the people closest to me who always calm me down and strengthen me. So, the core and key of everything is the mind. Positive thoughts will produce something positive too. Whatever we think is what will happen. If we believe we will recover, we will recover, if we believe we will succeed, we will succeed. Always remember this!
What actions do you recommend to keep control in difficult moments?
From this question, I can recommend a way or solution for you based on my experience :
Take a breath and control your mind by thinking positively. Thinking like for example, this is not something to be afraid of, I won't die, everything will be fine, and I can get through this all like usual. I'm used to experiencing it and going through it, right? Why should I worry? Those words always echo in my mind and it proved to be effective for me.
If you are with someone close to you, ask for support, and the words that come out of them give us peace and make us feel that we are not alone in facing the situation. They will say calming words and we will definitely be influenced by that. We also won't be afraid because we feel we are not alone. Their presence is important and helps us to divert our minds from anxiety and fear.
Try to divert our own attention by doing something we like and enjoy, for example I like traveling and shopping, so I will do that to divert bad thoughts and calm my mind. Or you like to eat, go and find your favorite food that can divert your mind from negative things. Or listening to music, it can also divert our anxiety, songs that we like, and try to sing and appreciate the lyrics.
The last thing is to pray. Pray to God and ask for help. Believe that he will not leave us alone and let us face this situation alone. God is always with us and he gives peace. He gave a way out. He loves us and he wouldn't let anything bad happen to us. All we have to do is believe in him, surrender and hope. Believe that God has arranged everything, and he will give us the best, a good and hopeful future. In any situation, no matter how difficult, believe and hold on to it. I can say that because I have experienced it myself, and God has proven that I can always get through it and everything is fine under God's control.
In what aspects of your life are you thankful that you are not 100% in control?
I am thankful and grateful that in my unpleasant situation that I cannot control 100 percent, but I still have the strength to rise. I thank God because He gave me strength without which I would have been weak. Secondly, I am so thankful and grateful to have people who love me, support me and are always there not only in the good times but also the bad times or the sad ones. They have a positive impact and positive energy for me. So when I'm down, they help me to be strong and get up again. I am grateful that I am not alone in this world and facing this world. I have them, and for that I am very grateful. I don't know what it would be like without them in my life. They are so precious.
Lastly, I am thankful that because of all these unpleasant situations, I have become a stronger and more resilient person. I become grown up who is used to facing tough situations and the most important thing is that I can definitely get through it until now.
I think that's all my answers that I can share with you, I hope you can be helped and provide positive things in dealing with any situation. Thank you for your support Ladies and the final words, be happy! stay healthy and have a nice day! ^^