Image is mine
It is not my intention to sound like a broken record, but I'm sorry, I can't help it. I use to always say to my best girl that if I was to be born back in the dark ages where women had no say? Where only the rich rule at the expense of the poor, I would have been executed for treason or, possibly, rebellion.
I will always say to her too that I bet in all my lifetime, that's almost how I have been dying, public execution for being a rebel. I have so much energy and fire burning inside of me that I'm pretty sure it dates back lifetime upon lifetime.
Likewise, I have a voice, and I'm not afraid to air it, voice it or use it and that is one of my life's greatest achievements and accomplishments. People actually listen to me when I speak and I am definitely not on the marginalized side of life, which of course, is fulfilling.
Thus, what is life without fulfillment? What is life if you cannot live your truth?
Some times, people go against what they believe in and live someone else's life because they cannot pen down their life's purpose. Succinctly put, they have no authority.
I might not always get it right, but in failing, that's my truth because every action was and is taken out of my free will. Thus, getting up is not too Herculean of a task.
Living a life where you are not being conditioned by the choices of another human being is top tier. Are you happy? It should be a question we can answer on command. If we have to think about whether we are happy or not, then definitely something is missing.
For me, I'd say I am happy and I am fulfilled even though I have not attained the level of finance that I want to feel accomplished. I have since realized that life is a process, life is droplets of water, and I am patiently plus actively following through.
Sometimes, I pause on my life journey and look back at where I am coming from, am I making progress? Do I feel I am on the right track? What impact have I made? Now and then, I am able to answer these questions without breaking a sweat.
Yes, I am making progress, yes I am on the right track because every morning that I wake up, what I'm living feels like mine, I'm in charge, and I am in control, I love everything I do, every path that I take and every place that I thread.
For being impactful? I have several people who draw strength from me and look up to me. I have contributed my own quota to humanity for seven years as a social worker, fighting for the betterment of under privileged people and downthroddens. Although I am taking a break now but I'm not stopping.
The other day I whined on web 2 about not having any talent, because I feel I should be able to sing or dance at least. But then, people started coming through to say to me that, the fact that I can uplift someone's spirit and speak life into their depressed state, is more than enough to classify as being talented.
I didn't really expect such response cause I felt doing what I do for people, I'm just living and being me. I didn't really feel like I was doing much.
I smiled because indeed, I'm gradually leaving an imprint in the sand of time. By the time I am done with this lifetime, I want to be a household name, I want to be a source of hope to humanity and have people talk about me in the most motivating of ways.
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