Little introduction of my aliveness

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

Hi everyone my name is Batool fatima I’m from Pakistan, more specifically from the province of Punjab, from the city of Lahore.
I have gone through a lot of struggles in life because I am the middle child of my parents, when i was 3 years old my father died and life is like living in darkness, father is the light of every house because a father has a very important role in the life of his children, father is very supportive in all the stages of life, my mother works at night,
she is a doctor, single parents cannot spend much time with his/her kids.

When i became a student of one class i feel so lonely and i face so anxiety to listen classmates mom and dad stories i feel so sadness.
my mom came in the morning beacuse she was working in the night shift in the morning we were going to school and coming back from the school then we went to tution then we came back our home we sleep after sleeping seeing that mom is not at home was feeling very painful moment for me, now im 19 years old but my life teach me big lessons.

My education journey : i completed my matriculation as well intermediate after that i give entry test of medical and allahmdulillah allahmdulillah passed entry test and now im student of medical at fatima jinah medical university.

My hobbies : in my hobbies i love to reading books i love these two books one is Elif shafak three daughter of eve and another book name is Atomic habits writer name is James clear.

I read book of Elif Shafak’s Three Daughters of Eve and I again found myself impressed by the work and its descriptive plot of the characters’ philosophical musings on faith, friendship and self-discovery.

‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear because it is about setting proper behaviors for self-improvement. These two books are my favourite. Another my hobbies are i love to capture photography i have captured some outstanding clicks while enjoying my vocation at Nothern areas,

currently I'm murree , as june july are the vocation months that's why we are enjoying these hot days in northern areas.

The food of this stall was really delicious this is famous food cooker at muree.

This was my little introduction about my life i hope you people will support me, and share with me the rules of this plateform.


Hi @batoolfatima welcome to hive Platform. I'm also from Lahore. It is nice to see one person from my city.
Can you join Hive Pakistan Discord so that you will meet more Pakistanis there? Thanks!