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RE: LOH 219 || From Introduction to Forever: The Cultural Essence of Yoruba Marriages

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago

The way you have described your rituals I felt like I was seeing them with my eyes.

Prostration sounds funny and interesting. So how do they get up again? Somebody tell them to get up or they just get up themselves 😀

@whatmidesays your writing is great. Nevertheless, there are issues with image sourceing in your blog. Image should be from royalty free sites and be sourced in a way that we may excatly reach the image page.

Here is the guide for proper sourcing

If you modify the image source within a few hours. Tag me here and lemme know


Thank you so much for the compliments and correction! I just realized as well that the source link I added doesn't link directly to the link address. I will this correction in other articles I write, thank you so much.

They remain on the floor till the bride's father give them the permission to get up. The Yoruba fathers especially love this part. 😂

They remain on the floor till the bride's father give them the permission to get up. The Yoruba fathers especially love this part.

That's amusing 😆

@amberkashif I have corrected the image sourcing now, thank you!

I love the writing in this post, and the way you describe all the different activities of weddings from your culture! I learned a lot about Yoruba celebrations, so thank you for that education! The way you tell the story of it all is delightful, too, and it was fun reading it! 😃

Pinterest is not a good source for photos, though, as that site collects images from all over the web, same as Google, and usually gives no credit to the people who own the rights to the photos. It's like quoting something from a book, and saying "This quote came from a book I found at the library" rather than giving the author's name and the book's title. The person who wrote the book should be mentioned, not the library!

I picked two photos at random from your post and rather quickly found the proper sources which should have been used rather than "Pinterest." The first photo is from the groom's Facebook page (the groom is Gospel singer Neon Adejo). The photo of the bride kneeling for her father's blessing is from the bride's website and the photo was taken by Syd and Lex Photography. Those sources should have been given rather than "Pinterest," which is nothing but a generic library of random images.

Giving proper sources is good for the people who own the rights to those images, it's good for your reputation in being accurate, and it's good for the Hive blockchain to have info that the content is legally used with proper attribution! 🙂

Thank you so much, it makes me so happy that you were able to not only enjoy but also understand every explanation I've made in this write-up, I find that so encouraging!

And now, you have educated me as well! Thank you so much. You're wonderful at explaining by the way! Moving forward, I'm going to start sourcing my images properly using royalty free sites, I think that will be better.

You're welcome! I am glad you reacted positively to my comment. I want all of us to succeed here, and show our best! 💖

You're so kind. ❤️