I will be so glad when summertime gets here! so tired of this cold weather, it hurts my bones and all of my joints. Getting older is no fun! Not to be forgotten we got about 8 inches of snow a couple of days ago. Living in the country is fun but not so much in the winter being they plow the roads out here last. Got a 4x4 but I don't worry so much about me driving but worry about everyone that do know how to drive in the snow. So we just sit at home till all of it passes. It will be, according to the weather, 60 degrees on Monday and warmer the rest of the week.

Going through some pictures with Debi on her phone and we found these of the sunset she took this past summer.

We got the little pool we ordered, as the other pool lasted 4 years so it was time to get another pool. It is just a little intex pool 12 ft round and 30 inches deep. We can float around in it and get some vitamin D, the sunlight is good for the soul.

Not to mention summertime on the deck is good too, with a cold beer and good music just enjoying life. Have a great day everyone!
(Pictures where taken by Debi on her cellphone, posted with her permission!)