in ecoTrain3 months ago


I am sure many would say life is unfair because of the challenges they've passed through in life but then I would say life gives to us what it has, making us choose what we want and it is left for us to determine whether it is fair or unfair at a particular period of our lives.

There are good days and they are bad days, just like there are winter season and their summer season. That season never determines how we live our life but we determine what we make do, how we plan, and how we execute our plans during those seasons because they will never go.

No matter how much we have those seasons, they will still come and during those seasons, whatever we see, hear and feel determines how we define life whether it is fair or unfair.

A young girl who lost her both parents at a tender age and is left alone to roam the world would always say life is unfair but I tell you, there will come a time she will never remember those days and will be at the top doing well for herself. I expect we all know what she would say, "Life is fair enough to her".

There is this adage that says, "When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, always give life just one reason to smile". "Another says when life gives you like, make lemonade out of it".

I guess many of us are understanding the point I am driving at, "Life never gives you what you want, life gives you what you need" and it is your choice to either move along feeling battered and defeated or make use of that moment to it's fullest because we may never have the opportunity of walking in that season again. Whatever your choice is determines if life is fair or unfair to you.

How you see what it gives to you explains how we see life. The truth is if we go around asking individuals about what they think about life, they would so confuse most especially based on their individual's challenges in life but I tell us if life isn't the way it is now, many of us would not have seen reasons to be where we are today.

We won't have reasons to keep moving, pushing, fighting, defeating, and overcoming what life throws at us. We won't have seen reasons to plan our day, to be careful and conscious of every step we take, to be mindful of the company of people we associate ourselves with, to be careful in making career and marital decisions.

We would have been living life like we don't care, and doing anyhow because we know that we will always get what we want.

This only reminds us never to expect too much from life as it comes in various ways. Today, it might be good, tomorrow, it may be bad but all together those two things "Fair and Unfair" make up life.

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Life may be unfair today, but that doesn't mean it will be unfair tomorrow.

Keep moving, keep pushing, keep fighting, don't relent effort, don't lose hope, just do your best, don't go into your room, lock yourself up and begin to wail and waiting for when life will be fair to you because you will get tired of waiting.

I too am part of those at one point of my life who thought life was actually unfair to me and not just fair but cruel as well but today, thinking about those challenges I faced and who life has helped me become, I just can't continue saying life is unfair and I feel bad to have thought life was unfair to me when it was grooming me up for greater and better things ahead that I was short-sighted to see.

Well, yeah, those period comes when we feel hopeless, dejected, frustrated and begin to think life is so unfair to us but the truth is that season of our lives wasn't meant to be like that.

It was meant to be a period when we look back at how lives and where we began and where we are today and be grateful to God for all that He is doing and will doing in that season of our lives.

The truth is if life was just fair or perhaps unfair, the world would be meaningless and uninteresting but these both make up our lives. These both add spices to our lives and helps us think ahead of the present.

Nothing is ever fair as long as life is involved, you just have to be ready to mould what lives throws at you to your taste.

Make lemonade out of the unfairness of life because life will never be fair except and only we rise and take things into our hands. To produce meaningful things out of the unpleasant things life throws at us.