People still whining about flags

in Deep Diveslast month

People still crying because of a few cents.

Not even realizing what the real potential is.

I was blogging here for several half a years for literally zero reward. (being flagged for months to literally zero by Berniesanders or German community back then)

I did not care.
The special thing about hive is not the few cents you earn.

And still:
I managed to earn quite a stake over time.
Which I have only touched to survive my homelessness while Corona (for which I have also been mocked)

But you people do not realize.
You are just greedy idiots in the status quo.
And even censorship resistant tech like hive will never save you out of ur nihilism.

Exactly the opposite. Your greed destroys one of the few places, where could be real free exchange of ideas.

Anyway. I tried to explain this like a hundred thousand times.
In comments. Whole posts. In English and in German.

I am tired guys.
I often wonder was it all for nothing?
Noone listening anyway.

I tried too hard.
Maybe it was only worth for some new readers a few decades in the future.

But right now, no need for a censorship resistant place to freely exchange ideas if you do not listen at all anyways and only care about your pathetic greed.

Maybe just try blogging without rewards for some time. And find your spine. Find back to your intrinsic motivation. Stop caring about some artificial cents.
(Yes hive as currency is important, especially to finance servers, but not every of your flagged cents)

And even new readers in a few decades won't be able to access. If you blow it all up now. (By abolishing flags, the selfregulation mechanism of this decentralised Plattform, and therefore centralizing the oversight. And manifest exactly what you do not want - funnily the hivewatcher haters are the one wanting to abolish. And also the one who have never and would never spend a single minute of their free time fighting abuse themselves.
You want it all stuffed up your ass. Free rewards and free anti-abuse and free servers.)

I am so tired, I don't even want to highlight and format my post right now.
I tried too much.

Good luck, cunts.
(Yes you can all ignore what I wrote now and just focus on that single insult, as always, like brainless ego idiots just do - which is also one of the saddest things: I really try. I try to much. And everyone just ignoring, only focussing on the few insults and acting as if I did not even try.
But I realized it is unimportant how hard I try and better just let go)


I could have just played along with your Circlejerks.




And in a few years you pathetic normies will come and act as if all the ideas (you actively oppressed for years) were originally by you.

😂 Pathetic
You always act like "as if as is"
But that's another topic you ignored. And I see germans write about now.
With your fake system and fake jobs and fake identification with some paper.

But I am done.


Not even realizing what the real potential is.

das nervt mich auch ein wenig..
hive hat so unnormal krasses potential, und es wird einfach nur in die tonne gehauen, mit den füßen getreten. jeder sieht nur sein eigenen profit und kann dies noch erreichen durch den kindischen mitteilungsdrang und selbstbestätigung. so kommen die narzisten jetzt von instagram auf hive, weil sie hier sogar noch geld damit verdienen können, indem sie ihr gesicht und ihr körper verkaufen. während es hier doch eigentlich um privatsphäre und informationsaustausch gibt. .. und um an richtig gute informationen zu gelangen, muss man auch wieder sich hier voll durch fuchsen, weil alles andere die wichtigen dinge belagern.
und das ist auch so schade man: hier könnte jeder mal sich selbst sein ohne zensiert zu werden oder öffentlich ausgeschlossen... doch niemand traut sich. die Menschen ducken, wehren und weigern sich ihr eigenes Wesen anzuerkennen. Lieber anpassen und manipulieren, damit man irgendwie gesellschaftlich akzeptiert wird..

Sollen die Leute doch von Insta hierherkommen (ich bezweifle aber, dass es mehr sind als ein paar wenige Einzelfälle), was stört es Dich?
Hier kann doch jeder sein, was er will und schreiben was er will - und sich darstellen wie er will (als Psycho oder Superstar - ich nenne lieber keine Beispiele).
Ich verstehe den Vorwurf nicht ganz.

Nach deiner Logik kann ich ebenfalls schreiben:
Was stört dich mein Kommentar?

Hier kann doch jeder sein, was er will und schreiben was er will

also wieso auf meinen Kommentar eingehen? Können wir doch alle gleichgültig miteinander sein, auf den Austausch verzichten, sowie auf seine eigenen Gefühle, wenn einem mal was nervt, es nicht ausdrücken und somit von einen abspalten - bis der Kessel überläuft.

Nur weil ich glaube, dass jeder hier machen kann, was er will, heisst es doch nicht, dass man nicht interagieren soll oder darf und dass wir alle einander gleichgültig sein sollen. Was für eine Unterstellung.
Dein Kommentar stört mich nicht, ich finde ihn nur nicht gerechtfertigt. Ich habe ja nur gefragt, diese Frage ist unbeantwortet geblieben. Glaubst Du, dass hier nicht jeder sein kann, was er will und schreiben was er will (strafrechtliche Inhalte natürlich ausgenommen)? Ob er dann mehr Upvotes als Downvotes erhält ist eine andere Frage, aber um die ging es ja glaube nicht.

Was für eine Unterstellung.

Er ist entsetzt!

Dann lass ihr doch ihre Ansicht?
Was stört es dich?

We need grumpy people to keep the sunshine and rainbow crowd in check.
Without dissent we lose touch with reality after a while.

Their hypocrist consent is crumbling

More people powering up is the only way over this hill, short of a fork.

People nearly finally achieved to make me power down.

But I won't gift them that win.
Rather I had all the effort for nothing. (Okay I survived homelessness due to my last power down)
And let my account and stake rot

Even though it would be smarter to just convert it all into bitcoin.

I started voting you after you came back from that.
I wouldn't be so sure about btc, those fees, and the banksters taking over, are making it worthless.

What good is a 1000usd of btc when the fees spike to 100?
All your growth goes into the fee.

Our hope here is to band together enough stake to finally make a dent in who controls what.
Until that happens, this is what we get.
Presuming, we continue to play.

So why are you only burning all rewards?

It's not original material.
I copy/pasted it.
I set it to burn to keep it out of the hands of people that have too much now.

Doesn't it just flow back in the reward pool when burning? Or no, that was declining?
Burning it goes to a burn account? And reduces the supply?

Also memes and ideas are open source bro

Making bitcoin worthless? Ur joking right?

What good is it if the fee is higher than what you have in the wallet?
When the banks are cheaper than btc, something is wrong.

Lots of money still to be made in btc, but it won't be the ultimate currency, imo.

That’s been accepted years ago. Store of value. Not currency.

The fees are not that high, maybe you are mixing up something - or are using the wrong trading places.

If you were really trying, you could leave out the insults.


Not even reading

Poor egos probably need even more.

But no, let's verbieten free speech on a free speech platform.

There is a point to be made.

It's a lot harder to make a point while you're also insulting people and making them angry.

😂 poor angry people will then be lost forever

At least I don't force them to learn

But I don't get why they cheer for being forced to slave

And I don't care anymore

You don't encourage learning at all, near as I can tell, you just want people to be as angry as you are.

You certainly aren't inviting people to learn.

Forcing people to learn is a fool's endeavor.

If you don't care anymore, why are we having this conversation?

😂 yeah I'm so angry that you obviously cannot even read

Yeah why do we have this conversation

I think my comprehension of your writing is deeper than your own.

Look how upset you've gotten over a little constructive criticism. Talk about not wanting to learn...

Yeah absolutely upset about absolutely what you think

Sorry bro but all this projection is just possible by pathetic bitches lol
Maybe care for your own emotions instead of running around and telling others how (you think) they feel


Greetings from Kaukasus, having quite some other problems than you could even imagine 😂
But yeah, if you like then think that I only think and cry about your idiocy all day lol

And in reality I will just forget your comments in a few minutes xD
And will also not answer any more in the future

You drones are all just a giant waste of time

Needing to explain everyone endless times even the most basic stuff (like projection or for what we have downvotes and that we are here on a decentralised platform and not in ur fascist kindergarten system 😂😂😭😭)

It's like talking with rocks
I even said at the beginning that f.e. it is fucking pointless to force learning (and since fucking years that every forcing is pointless with like ten thousand posts) and then you come:

Forcing people to learn is a fool's endeavor.

😂 Are you a fucking bot man ? 😭

Good luck, cunts.
(Yes you can all ignore what I wrote now and just focus on that single insult, as always, like brainless ego idiots just do - which is also one of the saddest things: I really try. I try to much. And everyone just ignoring, only focussing on the few insults and acting as if I did not even try.
But I realized it is unimportant how hard I try and better just let go)

It is an interesting observation, to me (and anyone else who might consider themselves sociologists or similar ...), @woelfchen, that you finally decided to say something, after dead silence for days. While you cite challenges IRL, whatever they are certainly did not stop you from writing, as a quick glance at your account would tell anyone who looked.

You may wish to consider what happens when anyone is subjected to voids in communication. What is your own perception of them? I will find out something about how honest and insightful you are, by your response.

Anyway ... If you wish to continue the thread of communication initiated by you, then I will expect to hear back from you right here.

Your lack of respect for my request of you to initiate transferring our conversation to your own blog did / does not serve you well ...

And to ensure you make no future reference to a void in communication, from my side, I will make an unmistakably clear statement to you now, in closing. Should you choose to write again, but on the post of Zuerich, I will simply ignore it.

I have like 200+ posts already nearly finished.
I can just make a post in 5minutes when I'm sitting in a public transportation.

But anyway. I've just completely lost interest in this platform

You guys are all kinda crazy with all your requests.
I got used to it, though it is very sad.

But that's the normie way.

That's also why I have left Europe completely behind now.

You can ignore me, go ahead.
Everyone does it.

Who cares.

You are, as expected, quite selective in your response. Taking zero personal responsibility for anything ... Characterization beyond that would be very straightforward, but ... I'll leave that to others.

Key to my response to you, earlier this morning and now, are two key words which I would be surprised to learn mean much, if anything, to you:

  • Accountability

  • Respect

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, to support yourself (and your loved ones?), have a good life.
