During the last American presidential elections, important referendums were held in some states. Here is a more detailed update on the US referendum results during the 2024 elections:
Abortion: Voters supported abortion rights in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada and New York, where measures promoting reproductive autonomy were approved. In Florida and South Dakota, however, similar proposals were rejected. In Nebraska, two conflicting proposals were on the ballot: a limitation of abortion to the first trimester, which prevailed, and one to guarantee the right up to fetal viability, rejected by the majority.
Marijuana: In Florida, North Dakota and South Dakota, voters rejected the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, reversing the expansionary trend seen in other states.
Minimum wage: Alaska and Missouri have approved increases that will bring the minimum wage to $15 and $13.75-15 an hour respectively in the coming years. In California, the measure to raise the minimum wage to $18 is still being counted and has no final outcome. These referendums reflect significant divisions on social issues, indicating the strong variety of orientations within the country.