Cine Tv Contest: The Hangover (The Alcohol Effect)

in CineTV4 months ago


The Hangover is a very simple premise. A bunch of guys get together with their buddy who's getting married and they decide just before his wedding to take into Las Vegas for a big bachelor party celebration in Vegas. They have a great party and they toast to each other, say we're going to have a great night in Vegas and then the movie picks up the next morning with one of their friends missing and a whole bunch of things gone wrong and they have no memory at all of what happened or how all these things happened or where their friend is.

It's a very simple setup to a movie, but it is incredibly effective. Let me start with some of the good stuff about this film. It's a comedy and it's extremely funny. I laughed pretty much the entire way through this film. Everything worked. The smart comedy worked. The physical comedy worked. Their callback jokes worked. Everything about this film in terms of its humor just really nailed it and knocked it out of the park. One of the things that I was worried about going into The Hangover was the trailers were really, really funny.


I was a little bit worried that perhaps the funniest parts of the film were shown in the trailer. But that was not the case in this movie. A lot of the good funny parts are in the trailer, but there is so much comedy and so much good stuff. It's just really, really well done.

I must say it was really insane seeing Mike Tyson in the movie. Some how he's Tiger ended up with the three guys which got him really upset as he demanded for it's immediate return. I mean, who keeps a Tiger for a pet? Mike Tyson is indeed a really great little cameo.


The cast nailed it. I was a little bit concerned when I first saw this really kind of eclectic group of actors put together. At first, it didn't really feel like they were going to have really good comedic chemistry together, but within about five or ten minutes of the film, those fears went away. They worked really well together. They fed off each other very well, including Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and the other performers in the film.

Now maybe it's because I've watched something like 2,000 movies in my life and years worth of television, but I've kind of become jaded to the comedy genre. I don't laugh out loud as much as a lot of people. But with the hangover, there were some scenes where I was legitimately unable to hear the dialogue because I was laughing so hard. This is a funny movie.


What actually brought to my remembrance about this movie is because I happen to work in a hotel as a bartender. So about two days ago, during the late hours of the night, my colleagues and I were sitting outside the bar and having a little chit-chat due to the poor arrival of customers that particular evening.

While having a little discussion, one of them suggested that we had some drinks. Since we were lacking customers that night to come and buy our drink, we might as well just drink it ourselves, right? So we started off with the first round. While others were taking strong alcohol I decided to go with something light as possible because I'm not a big fan of alcohol.

If it were possible I would've taken a soft drink instead but they were definitely going to attack me for making such a choice. We had one bottle each and I thought that was it. Then out of nowhere, the same guy insisted that we go another round. It's as if he was intentionally doing it because he knew I thought really take alcohol so he wanted to know what it was like seeing me misbehave under the influence of alcohol.

He even insisted that if I decided to take any amount of bottles that'll he'll pay for them. That's when I knew that guy didn't have any good intention for me. It got me thinking of how the Hangover characters had a wild night drinking only to wake up the next morning remembering nothing. I couldn't help but wonder what the outcome would be like if I did the same, considering I have never done such in my life. I was glad though I never got to find out.

It is just truly an immense movie, the narrative viewpoint of the three guys, slowly piecing together the night before, was extremely funny to watch. It is a funny and pretty smart movie. To me, it's the best comic movie of that particular year.

This is my entry for the #cinetvcontest. Feel free to participate in the contest here.

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This is a very funny movie but it also shows how bad things can go when people drink too much alcohol. Good article.

Thank you ma'am

Ahhh, this is a lovely entry. Not seen this before but it looks promising indeed. Nicely reviewed. Good luck in the contest!

Thank you dear

The fun saga of drunk and reckless friends, haha!

The movie was just something else