Valiant One||The mission

in CineTV8 days ago



The movie, Valiant one as directed by steve Barnett is an American Action movie. The movie featured characters who performed their various roles to the best of their abilities, such characters in the movie include: Brockman, Lebold, Weaver the tech expert, Lee, Ross and other characters who all went on a mission but encountered difficulties while on the mission.

The movie started with a scene where Brockman and others who have their role other than going on a mission were asked to go on a mission just to repair a radar unit in the DMZ zone between the south and the North Korean border. While on the mission of the repair radar with a tech expert whose name was Weaver, there was a wind storm that stopped them from the repair and made them left the place suddenly.

So, on their way home, their helicopter crashed deep into the North Korean territory and their leader, Lebold died in the process and this led to Brockman becoming the new accidental leader of the team, on his leadership assumption to becoming the team leader, his assignment was to lead the team member back home. Though, the medevac were supposed to come to their rescue, but because of the territory they were, they medevac couldn't come and as a result, they were to go to a designated place for them be rescued by the medvac.

This they were doing even in the North Korean territory when they were being attacked by the North Korean troops on many occasions, even when they got to a North Korea village, they were attacked and this led to the death of the tech man, Weaver, also, the Chief who was also injured from the crash also died at the village due to the multiple wounds and injuries he had. As if that was not enough, a korean man and woman who these people were able to hid in their house were also killed and as a result, this singular even t led to a gun duel between the American and the North Korean troops as the American were trying to rescue one of their own Selby who was a medic, but deployed on a mission. She was bent on taking his medkit along with her after she had left it behind on the arrival of the North Korean troops.

Though, they were able to escape from the scene with the little Korean girl, Binna, who happened to be the only daughter of the Korean couple killed earlier on, but still on their way, they encountered another attack, where Weaver, the tech man was killed and as if that was not enough, they were also attacked at the tunnel to which they were to escape home but thanks to the quick intervention of the medevac that came to their rescue on time and save Brookman from dying.

Verdict for, against and rating :

The movie was an interesting one that shows what's going on in the world, most especially amongst the countries of the world. It shows the disunity among the countries of the world and how its being handled.

Another thing is that, it shows that, we should always be prepared for leadership position as no one is born to be a leader but atimes, circumstances or situations can make one a leader as being depicted by Brockman ascension to leadership role. Though not planned for, but he led his team out of problem to going home. This was after Lebold and Chief's death.

An evident of love can also be seen in the movie, though, were threatened by the Korean man at the barn, but all were later joined together in love at the end, there was no descrimination of any kind and even the team even at the end show the orphan daughter love and they took her along with them. This is actually how things supposed to be in the world where love will supersede all forms of discrimination and sentiment.

The motherly love shown by the mother to the daughter and even the father to his family was another take home from the movie, not only that, the hidden of the female soldier by the family was an act of love on their side too.

Loyalty to ones country and the brotherly love shown among the troops cannot be forgotten at anytime. They were also coordinated and this really helped them to work together as a team and reach their final destination which is their going home.

I also love the musical aspect of the film, it's so sonorous.

I love the movie so much, though it has it negative sides of murder and hatred too, but overall it's an interesting movie and i will rank it 7/10.

Thanks for reading.

Poster picture sourced.

All the other above images are from the movie screenshots.