Cine TV Contest #126 - Favorite Movie That No One Likes

in CineTV2 months ago

Prometheus An Underrated but Very Exciting Movie

If you ask anyone about the movie Prometheus most will tell you that it is a boring movie or that it is much less than the rest of the Alien movies But for me this movie has something very special and maybe not everyone was able to see it It is not an action movie or a traditional horror movie but it is a movie that tries to ask big questions and makes you think differently.

The movie talks about the journey of a group of scientists and explorers who go to a distant planet to search for answers about the origin of humans Instead of finding peace and knowledge they find calamities and things that make your hair stand on end There is an atmosphere of tension and mystery all the time and even if the events themselves are a bit slow I think that this is part of the beauty of the movie because it gives you time to think and contemplate what is happening.

One of the things I liked about Prometheus is its idea of the Engineers or the beings who created humans The movie raises existential questions like Where did we come from And What is the meaning of life and in my opinion this makes it deeper than just a space and science fiction movie It is true that people may say that the movie is overly complicated or that the ending is not clear but maybe this is the reason that makes me love it more because it makes you think and interpret for yourself.

As for the form the photography and directing were amazing Every scene was made with precision and the planet itself was drawn in a way that makes you feel that you are actually there As for the actors Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender gave strong performances especially Fassbender in the role of the robot David who was mysterious and terrifying at the same time.

Prometheus is not a movie for everyone but if you are looking for a science fiction movie that is a bit different and makes you think you will find it very interesting It may be wronged and it may not be the best movie in the world but it definitely deserves a second chance.

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