My Latest Find: Kingdom (2019) (No spoilers)

in CineTV2 months ago

Growing up I had a lot of Chinese kung fu movies to watch. We never seemed to be able to run out of them no matter how many we watched.

I grew up in the early 2000s, and by then there was a lot from Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat, Stephen Chow, Sammo Hung, etc.

Damn, the nostalgia I'm feeling just mentioning those names. 🌚

These weren't the only genre of movies I watched but they were my favorites and I'm sure there are many of you who are like me.

So I think those who grew up being huge fans of these movies also noticed that movies like these are now kinda scarce. Not just because they're no longer being made but because other genres we get from Marvel, DC, and the big Hollywood stars have taken our attention.

Also I find that anytime I check for Kung fu movies I usually find a few but I'm usually not impressed like I used to be, except in few cases. But at the same time many of us fans have had our attention hugely diverted in the past 1-2 decades.

Every now and then, though, I come across a good Chinese martial arts movie that I fall in love with, and today Kingdom (2019) is that one.

I just found this movie today, and if you're a fan of Chinese martial arts movies set in the sword fighting era, this is a movie you'd enjoy.

It's got three sequels. I've just watched the first one from 2019 and I'm about to watch the rest. And you know, usually, a movie don't get those many parts if they're not good and successful.

The story is great, engaging and suspenseful. It's from a Manga Series, so you can imagine the story was well thought out before the movie. The acting is good enough and the most important thing for martial arts movies fans is the action!

The fight scenes and choreography is on point and it's got some different fighting styles that spices movies like these up.

So if you're a fan and you've been finding it difficult to find a movie from this genre you can trust, this is it. Not a 10/10 but definitely better than "good". All the little flaws you might find are no worse than the flaws we see everyday in Hollywood movies.

The End

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Lol. No plot flaws today? Amazing!🫢

But yeah, what possible flaw could it have that Hollywood doesn't give us a triple of on a daily, lol.

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Lol. I think there were no plot flaws in this one, the little things that could count as plot flaws are not significant enough.

There were other little flaws that weren't from the plot, but we see those in top Hollywood movies everyday too.

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Oh, the nostalgia I felt from reading the names of those kung-fu veterans. These days, kung-fu movies appeal to me very little. They don't feel as they used to.
Maybe I'll watch Kingdom, or not. But thanks for sharing.

We're quite alike 🤝

Nah bro. They are no longer making such movies. The insane wire kung fu action is no longer in the reality. I miss those movies. Where the bad guys are just bad guys no backstory and other non sense and the good guys are always the students learning things and avenging their masters death.
Good Times. 😂

Hahaha. Yeah, that's how it was, you captured it perfectly.

I think it's true they no longer make them, only very few these days are good enough. But at the same time I think we're also not really looking because other genres have taken our attention.

True, I don't think I would go to the theatre if the Kung fu movie was playing. I'd rather wait for the OTT release and a lazy Sunday to get it over with. Thats a fault at my end.

I already completed watching Kingdoms 1-4 in Netflix and every sequel is good! Hopefully they released the 5th sequel soon 😁

Wow. I still haven't finished the second one. I liked. The first one but so far I don't really like the second one. I'll still try to watch all 4, though.

I have to agree with you.

To honest, the 1st & 4th are the ones I feel are remarkable 😁

Wow. Maybe I'll skip the third and and just go for the 4th.

LoL I don't suggest, what makes 4th good is the build up of story from 2nd & 3rd 😁

Alright, I'll go through them all, then 😅. Thank you.




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