Cine TV Contest #99 - Movie That Represents Your Country

in CineTVlast year

Hello CineTV

Sometimes we avoid controversy but other times we jump into it with both feet. The movies that were chosen for this contest were supposed to rile people up and make them uncomfortable in some way. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of movies that may not have been attempting to be controvesial, are deemed that way now. So the list of "controversial" movies may be longer than not that long ago.

Either way, I am grateful to everyone that entered into the contest! There were some interesting choices and I am excited to get into them.

Let's get to the winners!

First Place

The first place finisher was @irenenavarroart with a choice of Falling Down, found here:

I watched this movie when I was younger and it captivated me. A movie about a man pushed to his breaking point and in some ways you feel some sympathy for him. A great controversial movie. Congrats!

Second Place

The second place finisher was @mairene1 with a choice of The Passion of the Christ found here:

I can understand the controversy in this movie for sure. Mel Gibson's film is a brutal depiction of the treatment of Jesus. A great film and a great choice!

Third Place

The third place finisher was @wisejg with their choice of The Exorcist, found here:

The Exorcist is a great choice for a controversial movie. Horror filled thriller that has freaked out people for years. Thank you!


450 CINE COINS will be transferred to the winners.

Now if anyone disagrees with our choices then please tag us in a comment on this post!

And let's move on to the new contest!


By http://flagburnı, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Movie That Represents Your Country

Each of us comes from somewhere, and our tastes and culture tend to be influenced by our upbringing. Not only that, but I believe that our movies become a mirror for what is happening in our cultures or a glimpde into our past or future.

While I am from the United States of America, I know that we have people here from vastly different backgrounds. I am excited to see what movies you think exemplify where you are from.

The contest is pretty simple. Pick a film that you think represents your country. It could be in a positive or negative light. Make sure to give the reasons why you think it reflects your country. How does the movie make you feel? Is it accurate to your life and culture? What could have made the movie better in terms of representing your country? Did you find yourself realting to the characters and their story?

Those are just some ideas, feel free to come up with your own interpretation. But please be original and give us reasons to beleive why you selected that movie.

I look forward to reading all of your selections!

Please check out the list of rules and suggestions below or feel free to ask me in the Discord channel if you have any questions (caulderfreeman). Enjoy this week's contest and good luck!

Winners and prizes

This contest will have 3 winners and 450 CINE in prizes. They will be distributed as follows.

  • 1ST Place — 200 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS!
  • 2ND Place — 150 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS
  • 3RD Place — 100 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS

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  • Publish your entry from our frontend or post to cinetv community if you prefer peakd, ecency or
  • The entries should be written in English for evaluation purposes (You can translate from your mother tongue if you want to.)
  • The post title should include CineTV Contest:. For example, CineTV Contest: Your Title Here.
  • Use #cinetvcontest among your tags.
  • Include a link to this post somewhere in your entry. So your friends can find this easily.
  • Put down a comment with the link of your entry on this post below.
  • Only one entry per person.


  • The submission deadline is 18th March, 2024, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

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Evaluation and Some Tips

  • You can use these prompts as a helping hand (purely optional) but you're free to go however you want.
    ► What you loved or hated about it.
    ► How it influenced you (and/or people around you).
    ► What part of it did you find most interesting.
    ► Any scene that still pops into your mind.
    ► Performance of the actors/actress that left an impression.
    ► Why do you think it's significant and great (or not).

You're free to include multiple films in your entry.

  • There's no need to be mechanical. Write with a free hand. We might overlook if you forget to do a step or two stated in the rules (except the first one).
  • We'll evaluate the posts based on the writing quality, sincerity, and faithfulness to the spirit of the contest.


Happy Writing then! Blog on!

The cover photo is edited in Canva.

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Join CineTV on Discord - Invite Link


Posted using CineTV


Beautiful and intriguing contest, I hope to participate soon. Congratulations to the winners.

Life Lesson

Hi!, friends, lovers of the seventh art. Excited about this week's theme, I leave you above the link to my entry. I hope to enjoy reading all the entries, especially my guest friends: @lecumberre, @mllg, @irvinc and @atreyuserver, as well as all those who feel identified with the theme of “education”.

Ohhh my God! Thank you very much, I'm really glad for winning the second place and I want to be in the next contest. 😄