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RE: Movie Review: "The Forge" By The Kendrick Brothers

in CineTV16 days ago

I have also given a review of this movie in January. This movie is a keeper. It is not leaving my phone at all.

The movie is indeed filled with messages for every generation because we all have a role to play in God's agenda. Older ones are admonished to teach the younger ones and that's exactly what was acted out.

I like the fact that they were not too spiricoco as they depicted real life situations and struggles of a single parent over one child.

I also like the progressive growth of Isaiah after he accepted mentoring and the Lord. He didn't just change overnight, rather we were taken through series of his life stages and how God helped him overcome each one of them, including forgiving his estranged father who abandoned him and his mom.

This is a good Christian film any day anytime and it is a sequel to war room. Both movies are top notch👍


Yes, a lot of messages to take from the movie, they delivered so well. I love it. Isaiah's growth didn't happen overnight and that's just what we were made to understand; it was a process in his life which turned to a big turnaround for him. His mom, too, didn't give up as she kept committing him into God's hand.
The movie wasn't too spiritual, yes, very simple and touchy. It was a movie worth watching over again.

Yes it is 🤩