Y'all... About to dye my hair for the first time in months, going to see Sam Hyde on the 30th, and Canada is on its way to becoming a 51st State! 😃 March has never looked better~
(Hell yeah, we got Premium Seats 😎)
So yes! needless to say, I am very excited for March! My husband and I have never been more deserving; after enduring the idiocracy of COVID -- for years, at that -- we now have to put up with the Tariffs Epidemic™. For weeks now, we have had to listen to restarts screech, "CaNaDa Un¡TeD!! 🥴" The same crowd that was calling us "plague rats" not but 2 years ago! My, how quickly we forget, eh? 🙂
Obviously, I am completely in favour of Canada joining the USA. We have never been a nation; refusing to cut the umbilical cord from Britain yet relying on Big Brother America for everything else. We are a country that purely relies on taxing the shit out of everybody (including its own population) and everything (we literally have a TAX ON TOP OF A TAX!!! 😱).
We are divided, and have been for years. I have had death wished upon my then-newborn baby and I for being unvaccinated. People wished I would "go down to the Freedom Convoy; hope the same doesn't happen to you~ 😬🤞"
I don't want anyone to be deceived by the *"CaNaDa Un¡TeD!! 🥴" crowd; there is no truth to it. It is pure tribalism, and the second you disagree, you are labeled a "traitor," despite the fact the person uttering that word was calling me a "racist, misogynistic anti-vaxxer" not that long ago 😊
(What happens when you disagree with the opposing crowd; these are members of my community lol. They blame you for encampment fires, pray that your children end up in one, and harass you on your personal profile for 2 hours)
Some perspective: are all Americans blowing up Teslas? No, only the psychotic ones? Great, so don't lump all Canadians with the Lulu "CaNaDa Un¡TeD!! 🥴" Liberals, thanks! 😃👍
No, the sane Canadians, the intelligent ones that don't suffer from Stockholm Syndrome at the hands of our (now ex) Prime Minister Trudoodoo. The people with over 100 IQ points are in favor of joining America. Any intelligent person can recognize that Canada has not been a self-sustaining country for decades; it has survived off the taxation of its citizens and trading partners. The US have had 200-300% tariffs on most of their exports to Canada for years; if the States were rid of them, we would already be a 51st State.
(Christ, on top of the fact I had to read comments like, "Duuuh, I'm confused! 🥴 If 100% is the limit, how can you charge someone 300%?!" But "CaNaDa Un¡TeD!! 🥴" lolol these people can vote. Again why voting should come with a mandatory 100 IQ point min.)
The only thing that I can control is myself. Hence why I hate living in a major city -- I am at a loss coping with the mass hysteria that is constantly leaking out into the air 🤦 People buying $15 bottles of maple syrup, acting like they're "doing their part" and "helping" -- HELPING WHAT?! 😭 Christ, I feel like I'm living in fucking Idiocracy!! 😂