Hive Music Festival, Week 69, round 3 " La Gandola" Raul Zambrano/ cover by @rafa06

in Music Zonelast year

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Hay canciones que se nos quedan grabadas, y, quizás por un momento las olvidamos, pero, al recordarlo, traen a nuestra memoria momentos que la identifican, tal es el caso de la cancion que les comparto el dia de hoy!

Estaba buscando en mi mente lo que seria mi entrada a la semana 69, en su ronda final del grandioso festival de la colmena, y, vino a mi mente una melodía que fue muy famosa estando yo pequeño, y, que mi abuelo materno escuchaba bastante, titulada:la gandola, del cantautor Raul Zambrano, recuerdo como si hubiese sido ayer, mi abuelo llego a casa con el CD, y, comenzó a sonar la música, me fascino su melodia, y su letra jocosa, sonaba por todas partes, era algo irónico porque aun en las discotecas sonaba,y la gente la bailaba, a mi abuelo esto le causaba mucha risa!

Yo, a pesar de ser pequeño me aprendi la letra completita, y siempre le decia: abuelo vamos a escuchar el diablo de la gandola! jajajaja, asi, que pasaba todo el dia en casa sonando!


There are songs that stay with us, and, maybe for a moment we forget them, but, when we remember them, they bring to our memory moments that identify us, such is the case of the song that I share with you today!

I was looking in my mind what would be my entry to the 69th week, in its final round of the great festival of the beehive, and, came to my mind a melody that was very famous when I was a child, and, that my maternal grandfather listened to a lot, titled: la gandola, by singer-songwriter Raul Zambrano, I remember as if it was yesterday, my grandfather came home with the CD, and the music began to play, I was fascinated by its melody, and its jocular lyrics, it sounded everywhere, it was somewhat ironic because even in the discotheques it was played, and people danced to it, this caused my grandfather to laugh a lot!

I, despite being small I learned the complete lyrics, and I always told him: grandpa let's listen to the devil of the truck! hahahaha, so, I spent all day at home playing it!


En su letra el autor, de manera jocosa hace referencia al destino que le espera a aquellas personas que practican lo que va en contra de los principios bíblicos como: vender o beber cerveza, fumar marihuana, ir a las discotecas, jugar a la lotería, y, muchas otras prácticas prohibidas por Dios; diciendo que viene por ellos el diablo en una gandola, tomando como referencia las que repartían los refrescos de esa época como naranja, chinotto y coca cola.

Source / Fuente

Quiero compartirlas con ustedes como un homenaje a mi abuelo,en estos días lo he recordado mucho; espero la interpretacion sea de su agrado!

Dios les bendiga!

In his lyrics, the author jokingly refers to the fate that awaits those people who practice what goes against biblical principles, such as: selling or drinking beer, smoking marijuana, going to nightclubs, playing the lottery, and, many other practices prohibited by God; saying that the devil is coming for them in a gandola, taking as a reference those that distributed the soft drinks of that time such as orange, chinotto and Coca Cola.

Source / Fuente

I want to share them with you as a tribute to my grandfather, these days I have remembered him a lot; I hope the interpretation is to your liking!

God bless you!

Translated with
     Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría tomadas con un zte

         All images are my own captured by zte.

▶️ 3Speak


Una interpretación creativa, versatil y recia. Te felicitamos por este performance asombroso. Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

A creative, versatile, and strong interpretation. We congratulate you on this amazing performance. Thank you for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!


Muy agradecido por el apoyo brindado!

Saludos y bendiciones!