Fui a la farmacia del Hato Grill para buscar una medicina para Alma, la pediatra recomendó incluir ácido fólico en jarabe. En este aliado comercial consigo los medicamentos a precios razonables, así que me dirijo a sus instalaciones con los ojos cerrados, además, puedo pagar con HBD, para mí representa un ganar-ganar.
I went to the Hato Grill pharmacy to look for a medicine for Alma, the pediatrician recommended including folic acid in syrup. In this commercial ally I get the medicines at reasonable prices, so I go to their facilities with my eyes closed, besides, I can pay with HBD, for me it represents a win-win situation.

El ácido fólico es una vitamina que sirve para el desarrollo del sistema nervioso central de la pequeña abeja, por eso, forma parte de sus medicamentos diarios. Me esfuerzo para que crezca sana y feliz. Y como beneficio adicional, obtengo un maravilloso descuento a través de la aplicación Distriator.
Folic acid is a vitamin that is used for the development of the central nervous system of the little bee, so it is part of her daily medications. I strive for her to grow up healthy and happy. And as an added bonus, I get a wonderful discount through the Distriator app.
✓Editado con Capcut.
✓Grabado con Xiaomi Redmi 10C.
✓Fotos de mi galería personal.
✓Texto traducido con DeepL.
✓Música de Pixabay
✓Portada editada con Collage Maker.
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✓Edited with Capcut.
✓Recorded with Xiaomi Redmi 10C.
✓Photos from my personal gallery.
✓Text translated with DeepL.
✓Music from Pixabay
✓Cover edited with Collage Maker.
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