Urban murals are usually art in all its dimension, I enjoy contemplating these pictorial manifestations because the integration of its elements communicate or transmit a message. There is here a great sample of the creative potential of the human being. On a visit to Ayacucho Park, I noticed that the walls of the back area were painted, curiosity made me approach and take some pictures.
Una figura que destacaba era la de un indio con una planta en las manos, haciendo alusión a nuestras raíces y al fructífero suelo. Comer de lo que cultivamos le agrega un valor adicional a los vegetales y frutos. Desde mi perspectiva, el mensaje se enfoca en valorar a los antepasados y sus técnicas agrícolas. Asimismo, habla del potencial de Sucre como estado pesquero, una fuente de ingresos económicos y un alimento que sustenta a sus habitantes.
One figure that stood out was that of an Indian with a plant in his hands, alluding to our roots and fruitful soil. Eating what we grow adds additional value to the vegetables and fruits. From my perspective, the message focuses on valuing our ancestors and their agricultural techniques. It also speaks to Sucre's potential as a fishing state, a source of economic income and a food that sustains its inhabitants.
También puedo apreciar el gentilicio y los diferentes oficios que caracterizan al venezolano. Somos trabajadores incansables, hijos de la esperanza de un mejor futuro. Cada persona tiene la oportunidad de aportar desde su espacio. Los indígenas, los pescadores, los deportistas... La figura del payaso simboliza la alegría y el colorido del arte urbano. En este territorio hay gran diversidad y pueden coexistir todos.
I can also appreciate the gentilicio and the different trades that characterize Venezuelans. We are tireless workers, children of hope for a better future. Each person has the opportunity to contribute from his or her own space. The indigenous people, the fishermen, the sportsmen.... The figure of the clown symbolizes the joy and color of urban art. In this territory there is great diversity and everyone can coexist.
Estos murales son parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural porque el arte representa un estilo de vida.
These murals are part of our cultural heritage because art represents a way of life.
✓Las fotos son de mi propiedad.
✓Texto traducido con DeepL.
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✓The photos are my property.
✓Text translated with DeepL.
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