A beautiful dragonfly insect

in CCH7 months ago

Hi guys how are you all hope you all are well and I wish you all good health. We all surely know that only our creator is responsible for our good health and this creator has created various things to beautify the earth. Nature and the natural environment and the various elements of the environment or animals or any insects have created everything for the welfare of nature and human beings. Insects are an important component of nature's natural environment. The insect I am going to discuss is actually very familiar to me and I see it around me from time to time. Introduction This insect is called Dragonfly. I like the look and feel of it personally. So I took some pictures with my own mobile in different shapes to share with friends and the pictures are presented below.











The dragonfly insect is very dear to me and I consider it my friend. A few days ago I went for a walk outside my school during break time and I saw this dragonfly sitting on a small weedy tree in the path. It was sitting very quietly among the weeds and I stopped when I saw it as I passed by the road and prepared myself to photograph it. Because many times its dragonflies fly repeatedly and move from one place to another while taking pictures. So it is very difficult to take pictures. Such insects are very beautiful to look at and will be loved by anyone who sees them.

It is a beautiful insect and has great beauty. It is naturally beautiful and a contribution of nature. Its body has yellow color and black color and looks quite tall. It has two wings on both sides by which it can easily fly in the sky and move from one place to another and protect itself from danger. I personally like it. Because when I was young I used to play with these dragonflies and walk with them like friends. Whenever I saw them around the house or in the field among various small and large weeds like plants, I thought to myself to catch them so that I could play with them later. So it is very beautiful and dear to me. It often relieves my tiredness with her beauty and I can also enjoy the beauty of her body. Anyway I took some pictures with my own mobile to share with all friends of Hive community and I hope everyone likes my pictures.