Insect infestation is a worrying phenomenon that has ravaged so many farms and gardens with huge damages that can lead to reduced crop yields, stunted plant growth and in some cases complete crop loss. For gardeners and farmers alike insect infestation is not just about the damage done to the plant but also the burden that this cause to the farmer.
There are so many ways of controlling insect infestation but most of these options are not entirely eco-friendly, the organic and sustainable pest control strategies that can help farmers are sometimes either too expensive or not easy to come by.
Damages by insect infestation reduce the market values of the vegetables and that's if the vegetables are still edible after that much damage has been done.
Farmers have the task of Identifying and Managing Leaf-Eating Pests in Your Garden which prevents Yellowing and Damaged Leaves in Vegetable Plants 😔 the moment when the world can come up with a way to control insect infestation in an eco-friendly then we will have saved lots of gardens and farms from this unprecedented damage to the vegetative plant.
Applying DIY Pest Control Remedies for Healthier Vegetables will increase the Plant's Health which also increases the vegetable's actual market value.