Chef Naeem's Special: Big Pot Pulao for Students || Class 10th Pulao Party

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Helllo my dear #3speak and hive community, hope you are well and enjoying good life, my today video is about food party, Two weeks ago a special event was organized for the class 10th students as the final board exams for the class 10th students are about to start and after the exams the class 10th students enjoy three to four months of vacation. At the end of the event, the students were treated to Khyber Ghee prepared pulao. The pulao was prepared in huge pots and the pulao pai was prepared by Naeem, the famous chef of Khel city. When the pulao was cooked in big pots, all the students liked it and I also observed the recipe. In this video, i show you how to prepare pulao in big pots.Hope you all will enjoy my this video.

nameem was chef, and he was also my student , so today i selected tittle of this video Chef Naeem's Special: Big Pot Pulao for Students || Class 10th Pulao Party. hope you all will enjoy it .

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Pulao is being prepared very well in the video. How would it be to eat? You must have eaten it. Please tell me how it tasted. From the style of cooking it seems that the chef is very expert.

Yes I ate the pulo. Very tasty palo was made and I had full stomach with salad and reeta. Thank you very much you have liked my video.

You are most welcome!

welcome respected

It seems that Chef Naeem is a very skilled cook. And Polao cooking looks like it will be very delicious. All the best to the students of class 10.

Yes chef name was old student of my school and now he is best chef. He prepared delicious pulaoo.thank so much for visiting my 3speak vlog

You are a realist and a true teacher You teach your students how to learn anything hands-on Class 10 students having a picnic with you Biryani party That's how a student-teacher relationship should be.

teacher is brother, father, a teache has many relation with students, so i proud feel to help, support my students in their work, and my student are my asset, i like to celebrate parties, pick , outing, counseling with my students, so i enjoyed this party also, and my students also enjoyed teachers company, farewell party is great memory of student life, so thank you dear for appreciation

Great video shared by my dear brother. Cooking moment with students in a great environment.This cooking is very enjoyable by making a hole in the ground.I miss those moments when we used to cook in the clay oven and have a picnic.Thank you for giving such a beautiful video.

yes cooking with students is great moment of life, my students enjoyed this party, we did dance, enjoyed very much, soon i will share my students free dance style video, i recoreded, , haha, thank you dear for visiting and enjoying my video

wow the pulao looks very tasty, I will try to copy your recipe and will make it for Iftari time

haha, yes sure, you should try it at home, hope you will like it, , thank dear you liked my recipe, and i am waiting , when you will cook,, happy ramadan , today aftar, keep me remember in pray at the time of aftari sari ameen

The name Big Pot Pulao is so strange that it makes me very happy to hear it. Because you have kept a very good name. And the pulao also looks very tasty.

many people say that in big pot cooking is difficult and in big pot cooking pulao is really nice experience, so you can there are big pot , has been used for cooking ,over 30k puloa can be cook easily in these pot

How nice to get together with friends and get to prepare traditional food. I've never tried this recipe.