It is very bizarre that once the paper money failed they didn't reintroduce silver or gold coins to at least keep the economy working. I presume it is part of American imperialism to instead use the US dollar.
Hi @mypathtofire, thank you very much for stopping by to read and comment.
I very much doubt that North American imperialism has anything to do with this situation; this is a product of the open plundering carried out and allowed by the rulers of my country and by other countries. The United States has nothing to do with it here.
When those in charge of running a country do not protect it, do not value it, do not care for it, do not honor their responsibility, and the population does not realize this, the rulers do whatever they want, and the nation and society are totally destroyed.
There is also the fact that my country is a kind of experimentation field for other policies and lines of action that will later be replicated in other nations; For example: Mexico, Spain, etc., what is happening there right now is a carbon copy of what they have previously done here.