If there's anything I've learnt over the years it's, not making decisions or making a promise whenever I'm excited or angry. Whenever we're happy or angry we tend to make decisions that could affect us negatively or decisions we'd regret later. Several times, i have found myself in a tight spot because of the decisions I made out of over excitement.
Writing this article reminds me of i how a made a promise out of anger. It was a sunny Tuesday when i and my close friend had a heated argument, i jokingly said something made a statement which i didn't know would trigger her emotions, she took it very personal and she started yelling, the conversation escalated, which actually caused a heated argument between the both of us.
I was really angry at her, it was just a harmless joke, i wasn't happy with the way she misunderstood the joke. In the mist of the chaos i blurted out a promise "I'll never speak to you ever again"
The words had barely left my lips, when i realised the consequences of my statement. But it was just too late already to take back what i said, i walked out of the scene angrily. As days goes by i missed my friend so dearly, but pride wouldn't let me go back to apologise, i began to regret my promise .
I felt bad, i didn't think before talking. I started thinking if the whole situation happened the other way round, how would i have reacted, it was then i understood why she got angry. Looking back, i realised i made my decision out of anger. I allowed hurt and frustration to cloud my judgement, allowing me to make a bad decision that caused me a good friendship i cherished so much. If only i had taken a pause and calmed my nerves, I'm very sure i wouldn't make such promise.
After spending so many months without talking to my friend, i felt really bad, i swallowed my pride, reached out and tender my apologies to her. I made it known to her, that it was never my intention to end our friendship. She also apologised for the way she spoke to me, we were both happy to be together again.
My experience has taught me a very good lesson, maybe i learnt the hard way but now i know, the importance of having a rethink, whenever i want to make a decision based on emotions, especially when it's made in the heat of a bad moment, it's a lesson I'd forever carry in my heart, for the rest of my life.
From now on , I've sworn to myself never to make any decisions based on emotions, either when I'm overwhelmed with excitement or anger. I'd rather wait till i cool off before i make any decision. Most times, we make promises out of excitement, and after some moments we tend to regret later. It's better we make decisions or promises without any emotions attached.
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